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  1  definition  found 
  From  Webster's  Revised  Unabridged  Dictionary  (1913)  [web1913]: 
  Tetradrachm  \Tet"ra*drachm\,  Tetradrachma  \Tet`ra*drach"ma\,  n. 
  [NL.  tetradrachma,  fr  Gr  tetra`drachmon;  te`tra-  (see 
  {Tetra-})  +  drachmh`  drachm,  drachma.] 
  A  silver  coin  among  the  ancient  Greeks,  of  the  value  of  four 
  Note:  The  Attic  tetradrachm  was  equal  to  3s.  3d.  sterling,  or 
  about  76  cents.