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tippledmore about tippled


  2  definitions  found 
  From  Webster's  Revised  Unabridged  Dictionary  (1913)  [web1913]: 
  Tippled  \Tip"pled\,  a. 
  Intoxicated;  inebriated;  tipsy;  drunk.  [R.]  --Dryden. 
  From  Webster's  Revised  Unabridged  Dictionary  (1913)  [web1913]: 
  Tipple  \Tip"ple\,  v.  i.  [imp.  &  p.  p.  {Tippled};  p.  pr  &  vb  n. 
  {Tippling}.]  [From  tip  a  small  end  or  a  word  akin  to  it  cf 
  Norw.  tipla  to  tipple,  to  drip,  Prov.  E.  tip,  tiff,  tift,  a 
  draught  of  liquor,  dial.  G.  zipfeln  to  eat  and  drink  in  small 
  parts  See  {Tip}  a  point,  and  cf  {Tipsy}.] 
  To  drink  spirituous  or  strong  liquors  habitually;  to  indulge 
  in  the  frequent  and  improper  used  of  spirituous  liquors; 
  especially,  to  drink  frequently  in  small  quantities,  but 
  without  absolute  drunkeness. 
  Few  of  those  who  were  summoned  left  their  homes,  and 
  those  few  generally  found  it  more  agreeable  to  tipple 
  in  alehouses  than  to  pace  the  streets.  --Macaulay. 

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