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  2  definitions  found 
  From  Webster's  Revised  Unabridged  Dictionary  (1913)  [web1913]: 
  Toilette  \Toi*lette"\,  n.  [F.] 
  See  {Toilet},  3. 
  From  Webster's  Revised  Unabridged  Dictionary  (1913)  [web1913]: 
  Toilet  \Toi"let\,  n.  [F.  toilette,  dim.  of  toile  cloth.  See 
  {Toil}  a  net.] 
  1.  A  covering  of  linen,  silk,  or  tapestry,  spread  over  a 
  table  in  a  chamber  or  a  dressing  room 
  2.  A  dressing  table.  --Pope. 
  3.  Act  or  mode  of  dressing,  or  that  which  is  arranged  in 
  dressing;  attire;  dress;  as  her  toilet  is  perfect. 
  [Written  also  {toilette}.] 
  {Toilet  glass},  a  looking-glass  for  a  toilet  table  or  for  a 
  dressing  room 
  {Toilet  service},  {Toilet  set},  earthenware,  glass,  and  other 
  utensils  for  a  dressing  room 
  {Toilet  table},  a  dressing  table;  a  toilet.  See  def.  2  above. 
  {To  snake  one's  toilet},  to  dress  one's  self  especially,  to 
  dress  one's  self  carefully.