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  1  definition  found 
  From  The  Free  On-line  Dictionary  of  Computing  (13  Mar  01)  [foldoc]: 
    An  {interpolation}  technique  where  an  {animation} 
  program  generates  extra  frames  between  the  key  frames  that  the 
  user  has  created.  This  gives  smoother  animation  without  the 
  user  having  to  draw  every  frame. 
  A  scene  is  described  by  a  mathematical  model  -  a  set  of  two- 
  or  three-dimensional  objects  whose  positions  in  are  given  by 
  sets  of  coordinates.  Tweening  uses  mathematical  formulae  to 
  generate  these  coordinates  at  a  sequence  of  discrete  times. 
  The  simplest  system  would  move  each  point  at  a  constant  rate 
  in  a  straight  line  between  its  initial  and  final  positions, 
  though  other  kinds  of  path  are  possible.  The  coordinates  at 
  each  time  step  are  used  to  generate  (or  "render")  a 
  two-dimensional  image  of  the  scene  which  forms  one  frame"  of 
  the  animation. 
  Tweening  is  similar  to  {morphing}  except  that  morphing  is 
  usually  performed  by  interpolating  between  corresponding 
  points  marked  by  the  user  on  two  images,  rather  than  between 
  two  configurations  of  a  model. 