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usufructs usufructs definition


  Grep  of  noun  usufruct 
  Overview  of  noun  usufruct 
  The  noun  usufruct  has  1  sense  (no  senses  from  tagged  texts) 
  1.  usufruct  --  (a  legal  right  to  use  and  derive  profit  from  property  belonging  to  someone  else  provided  that  the  property  itself  is  not  injured  in  any  way) 
  Overview  of  noun  usufruct 
  The  noun  usufruct  has  1  sense  (no  senses  from  tagged  texts) 
  1.  usufruct  --  (a  legal  right  to  use  and  derive  profit  from  property  belonging  to  someone  else  provided  that  the  property  itself  is  not  injured  in  any  way) 

usufructs definition