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weimarmore about weimar


  2  definitions  found 
  From  WordNet  r  1.6  [wn]: 
  n  :  a  German  city  near  Leipzig;  scene  of  the  adoption  in  1919  of 
  the  constitution  of  the  Weimar  Republic  that  lasted  until 
  1933  [syn:  {Weimar}] 
  From  U.S.  Gazetteer  (1990)  [gazetteer]: 
  Weimar,  TX  (city,  FIPS  77020) 
  Location:  29.70079  N,  96.77832  W 
  Population  (1990):  2052  (961  housing  units) 
  Area:  5.1  sq  km  (land),  0.0  sq  km  (water) 
  Zip  code(s):  78962 

more about weimar