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baser definition


  Grep  of  noun  baser 
  Overview  of  adj  base 
  The  adj  base  has  7  senses  (first  3  from  tagged  texts) 
  1.  (7)  basal,  base  --  (serving  as  or  forming  a  base;  "the  painter  applied  a  base  coat  followed  by  two  finishing  coats") 
  2.  (1)  base  --  ((used  of  metals)  consisting  of  or  alloyed  with  inferior  metal;  "base  coins  of  aluminum";  "a  base  metal") 
  3.  (1)  base,  baseborn,  humble,  lowly  --  (of  low  birth  or  station  (`base'  is  archaic  in  this  sense);  "baseborn  wretches  with  dirty  faces";  "of  humble  (or  lowly)  birth") 
  4.  base,  dishonorable,  dishonourable,  immoral,  unethical  --  (not  adhering  to  ethical  or  moral  principles;  "base  and  unpatriotic  motives";  "a  base,  degrading  way  of  life";  "cheating  is  dishonorable";  "they  considered  colonialism  immoral";  "unethical  practices  in  handling  public  funds") 
  5.  base,  mean  meanspirited  --  (having  or  showing  an  ignoble  lack  of  honor  or  morality;  "that  liberal  obedience  without  which  your  army  would  be  a  base  rabble"-  Edmund  Burke;  "taking  a  mean  advantage";  "chok'd  with  ambition  of  the  meaner  sort"-  Shakespeare;  "something  essentially  vulgar  and  meanspirited  in  politics") 
  6.  base,  baseborn  --  ((archaic)  illegitimate) 
  7.  base  --  (debased;  not  genuine;  "an  attempt  to  eliminate  the  base  coinage") 
  Antonyms  of  adj  base 
  7  senses  of  base 
  Sense  1 
  basal,  base 
  INDIRECT  (VIA  basic)  ->  incidental,  incident 
  Sense  2 
  INDIRECT  (VIA  inferior)  ->  superior 
  Sense  3 
  base,  baseborn,  humble,  lowly 
  INDIRECT  (VIA  lowborn)  ->  noble 
  Sense  4 
  base,  dishonorable,  dishonourable,  immoral,  unethical 
  INDIRECT  (VIA  wrong)  ->  right 
  Sense  5 
  base,  mean  meanspirited 
  INDIRECT  (VIA  ignoble)  ->  noble 
  Sense  6 
  base,  baseborn 
  INDIRECT  (VIA  illegitimate)  ->  legitimate 
  Sense  7 
  INDIRECT  (VIA  counterfeit)  ->  genuine,  echt 
  Similarity  of  adj  base 
  7  senses  of  base 
  Sense  1 
  basal,  base 
  =>  basic  (vs.  incidental) 
  Sense  2 
  =>  inferior  (vs.  superior) 
  Sense  3 
  base,  baseborn,  humble,  lowly 
  =>  lowborn  (vs.  noble) 
  Sense  4 
  base,  dishonorable,  dishonourable,  immoral,  unethical 
  =>  wrong  (vs.  right) 
  Sense  5 
  base,  mean  meanspirited 
  =>  ignoble  (vs.  noble) 
  Sense  6 
  base,  baseborn 
  =>  illegitimate  (vs.  legitimate) 
  Sense  7 
  =>  counterfeit  (vs.  genuine),  imitative 
  Attributes  of  adj  base 
  Familiarity  of  adj  base 
  base  used  as  an  adjective  is  common  (polysemy  count  =  7) 
  Grep  of  adj  base 
  based  on 
  Overview  of  adj  base 
  The  adj  base  has  7  senses  (first  3  from  tagged  texts) 
  1.  (7)  basal,  base  --  (serving  as  or  forming  a  base;  "the  painter  applied  a  base  coat  followed  by  two  finishing  coats") 
  2.  (1)  base  --  ((used  of  metals)  consisting  of  or  alloyed  with  inferior  metal;  "base  coins  of  aluminum";  "a  base  metal") 
  3.  (1)  base,  baseborn,  humble,  lowly  --  (of  low  birth  or  station  (`base'  is  archaic  in  this  sense);  "baseborn  wretches  with  dirty  faces";  "of  humble  (or  lowly)  birth") 
  4.  base,  dishonorable,  dishonourable,  immoral,  unethical  --  (not  adhering  to  ethical  or  moral  principles;  "base  and  unpatriotic  motives";  "a  base,  degrading  way  of  life";  "cheating  is  dishonorable";  "they  considered  colonialism  immoral";  "unethical  practices  in  handling  public  funds") 
  5.  base,  mean  meanspirited  --  (having  or  showing  an  ignoble  lack  of  honor  or  morality;  "that  liberal  obedience  without  which  your  army  would  be  a  base  rabble"-  Edmund  Burke;  "taking  a  mean  advantage";  "chok'd  with  ambition  of  the  meaner  sort"-  Shakespeare;  "something  essentially  vulgar  and  meanspirited  in  politics") 
  6.  base,  baseborn  --  ((archaic)  illegitimate) 
  7.  base  --  (debased;  not  genuine;  "an  attempt  to  eliminate  the  base  coinage") 

baser definition