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coarser definition


  Overview  of  adj  coarse 
  The  adj  coarse  has  4  senses  (first  2  from  tagged  texts) 
  1.  (1)  coarse  --  (of  texture;  large-grained  or  rough  to  the  touch;  "coarse  meal";  "coarse  sand";  "a  coarse  weave") 
  2.  (1)  coarse,  common,  uncouth,  vulgar  --  (lacking  refinement  or  cultivation  or  taste;  "he  had  coarse  manners  but  a  first-rate  mind";  "behavior  that  branded  him  as  common";  "an  untutored  and  uncouth  human  being";  "an  uncouth  soldier--a  real  tough  guy";  "appealing  to  the  vulgar  taste  for  violence";  "the  vulgar  display  of  the  newly  rich") 
  3.  coarse,  common  --  (of  low  or  inferior  quality  or  value;  "of  what  coarse  metal  ye  are  molded"-  Shakespeare;  "produced...the  common  cloths  used  by  the  poorer  population") 
  4.  coarse,  crude,  earthy,  gross,  vulgar  --  (conspicuously  and  tastelessly  indecent;  "coarse  language";  "a  crude  joke";  "crude  behavior";  "an  earthy  sense  of  humor";  "a  revoltingly  gross  expletive";  "a  vulgar  gesture";  "full  of  language  so  vulgar  it  should  have  been  edited") 
  Antonyms  of  adj  coarse 
  4  senses  of  coarse 
  Sense  1 
  coarse  (vs.  fine) 
  fine  (vs.  coarse) 
  =>  close  tight 
  =>  close-grained,  fine-grained 
  =>  dustlike 
  =>  floury 
  =>  nongranular 
  =>  powdered,  powdery,  pulverized,  pulverised,  small-grained,  fine-grained 
  =>  small 
  =>  superfine 
  Sense  2 
  coarse,  common,  uncouth,  vulgar 
  INDIRECT  (VIA  unrefined)  ->  refined 
  Sense  3 
  coarse,  common 
  INDIRECT  (VIA  inferior)  ->  superior 
  Sense  4 
  coarse,  crude,  earthy,  gross,  vulgar 
  INDIRECT  (VIA  indecent)  ->  decent 
  Similarity  of  adj  coarse 
  4  senses  of  coarse 
  Sense  1 
  coarse  (vs.  fine) 
  =>  coarse-grained 
  =>  farinaceous,  coarse-grained,  grainy,  granular,  granulose,  gritty,  mealy,  sandy 
  =>  granulated 
  =>  loose,  open 
  Also  See->  rough#1,  unsmooth#1 
  Sense  2 
  coarse,  common,  uncouth,  vulgar 
  =>  unrefined  (vs.  refined) 
  Sense  3 
  coarse,  common 
  =>  inferior  (vs.  superior) 
  Sense  4 
  coarse,  crude,  earthy,  gross,  vulgar 
  =>  indecent  (vs.  decent) 
  Attributes  of  adj  coarse 
  1  of  4  senses  of  coarse 
  Sense  1 
  coarse  (vs.  fine) 
  =>  texture 
  Familiarity  of  adj  coarse 
  coarse  used  as  an  adjective  is  uncommon  (polysemy  count  =  4) 
  Grep  of  adj  coarse 
  Overview  of  adj  coarse 
  The  adj  coarse  has  4  senses  (first  2  from  tagged  texts) 
  1.  (1)  coarse  --  (of  texture;  large-grained  or  rough  to  the  touch;  "coarse  meal";  "coarse  sand";  "a  coarse  weave") 
  2.  (1)  coarse,  common,  uncouth,  vulgar  --  (lacking  refinement  or  cultivation  or  taste;  "he  had  coarse  manners  but  a  first-rate  mind";  "behavior  that  branded  him  as  common";  "an  untutored  and  uncouth  human  being";  "an  uncouth  soldier--a  real  tough  guy";  "appealing  to  the  vulgar  taste  for  violence";  "the  vulgar  display  of  the  newly  rich") 
  3.  coarse,  common  --  (of  low  or  inferior  quality  or  value;  "of  what  coarse  metal  ye  are  molded"-  Shakespeare;  "produced...the  common  cloths  used  by  the  poorer  population") 
  4.  coarse,  crude,  earthy,  gross,  vulgar  --  (conspicuously  and  tastelessly  indecent;  "coarse  language";  "a  crude  joke";  "crude  behavior";  "an  earthy  sense  of  humor";  "a  revoltingly  gross  expletive";  "a  vulgar  gesture";  "full  of  language  so  vulgar  it  should  have  been  edited") 

coarser definition