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dotty definition


  Overview  of  adj  dotty 
  The  adj  dotty  has  2  senses  (no  senses  from  tagged  texts) 
  1.  balmy,  barmy,  bats,  batty,  bonkers,  buggy,  cracked,  crackers,  daft,  dotty,  fruity,  haywire,  kooky,  kookie,  loco,  loony,  loopy,  nuts,  nutty,  wacky  --  (informal  or  slang  terms  for  mentally  irregular) 
  2.  crazy,  dotty,  gaga,  enamored,  infatuated,  in  love,  smitten,  soft  on  taken  with  --  (marked  by  foolish  or  unreasoning  fondness;  "she  was  crazy  about  him";  "gaga  over  the  rock  group's  new  album";  "he  was  infatuated  with  her") 
  Antonyms  of  adj  dotty 
  2  senses  of  dotty 
  Sense  1 
  balmy,  barmy,  bats,  batty,  bonkers,  buggy,  cracked,  crackers,  daft,  dotty,  fruity,  haywire,  kooky,  kookie,  loco,  loony,  loopy,  nuts,  nutty,  wacky 
  INDIRECT  (VIA  insane)  ->  sane 
  Sense  2 
  crazy,  dotty,  gaga,  enamored,  infatuated,  in  love,  smitten,  soft  on(prenominal),  taken  with(prenominal) 
  INDIRECT  (VIA  loving)  ->  unloving 
  Similarity  of  adj  dotty 
  2  senses  of  dotty 
  Sense  1 
  balmy,  barmy,  bats,  batty,  bonkers,  buggy,  cracked,  crackers,  daft,  dotty,  fruity,  haywire,  kooky,  kookie,  loco,  loony,  loopy,  nuts,  nutty,  wacky 
  =>  insane  (vs.  sane) 
  Sense  2 
  crazy,  dotty,  gaga,  enamored,  infatuated,  in  love,  smitten,  soft  on(prenominal),  taken  with(prenominal) 
  =>  loving  (vs.  unloving) 
  Attributes  of  adj  dotty 
  Familiarity  of  adj  dotty 
  dotty  used  as  an  adjective  is  rare  (polysemy  count  =  2) 
  Grep  of  adj  dotty 
  Overview  of  adj  dotty 
  The  adj  dotty  has  2  senses  (no  senses  from  tagged  texts) 
  1.  balmy,  barmy,  bats,  batty,  bonkers,  buggy,  cracked,  crackers,  daft,  dotty,  fruity,  haywire,  kooky,  kookie,  loco,  loony,  loopy,  nuts,  nutty,  wacky  --  (informal  or  slang  terms  for  mentally  irregular) 
  2.  crazy,  dotty,  gaga,  enamored,  infatuated,  in  love,  smitten,  soft  on  taken  with  --  (marked  by  foolish  or  unreasoning  fondness;  "she  was  crazy  about  him";  "gaga  over  the  rock  group's  new  album";  "he  was  infatuated  with  her") 

dotty definition