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more about dustier


  1  definition  found 
  From  Webster's  Revised  Unabridged  Dictionary  (1913)  [web1913]: 
  Dusty  \Dust"y\,  a.  [Compar.  {Dustier};  superl.  {Dustiest}.]  [AS. 
  dystig  See  {Dust}.] 
  1.  Filled,  covered,  or  sprinkled  with  dust;  clouded  with 
  dust;  as  a  dusty  table;  also  reducing  to  dust. 
  And  all  our  yesterdays  have  lighted  fools  The  way  to 
  dusty  death.  --Shak. 
  2.  Like  dust;  of  the  color  of  dust;  as  a  dusty  white. 
  {Dusty  miller}  (Bot.),  a  plant  ({Cineraria  maritima});  --  so 
  called  because  of  the  ashy-white  coating  of  its  leaves. 

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