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expression definition


  Grep  of  noun  expression 
  exponential  expression 
  facial  expression 
  idiomatic  expression 
  indirect  expression 
  Overview  of  noun  expression 
  The  noun  expression  has  8  senses  (first  6  from  tagged  texts) 
  1.  (23)  expression,  look  aspect,  facial  expression,  face  --  (the  expression  on  a  person's  face;  "a  sad  expression";  "a  look  of  triumph";  "an  angry  face") 
  2.  (18)  expression,  manifestation,  reflection,  reflexion  --  (expression  without  words  "tears  are  an  expression  of  grief";  "the  pulse  is  a  reflection  of  the  heart's  condition") 
  3.  (15)  expression  --  (the  communication  (in  speech  or  writing)  of  your  beliefs  or  opinions;  "expressions  of  good  will";  "he  helped  me  find  expression  for  my  ideas") 
  4.  (6)  saying,  expression,  locution  --  (a  word  or  phrase  that  particular  people  use  in  particular  situations;  "pardon  the  expression") 
  5.  (4)  formulation,  expression  --  (the  style  of  expressing  yourself  "he  suggested  a  better  formulation";  "his  manner  of  expression  showed  how  much  he  cared") 
  6.  (4)  formula,  expression  --  (a  group  of  symbols  that  make  a  mathematical  statement) 
  7.  construction,  grammatical  construction,  expression  --  (a  group  of  words  that  form  a  constituent  of  a  sentence  and  are  considered  as  a  single  unit;  "I  concluded  from  his  awkward  constructions  that  he  was  a  foreigner") 
  8.  expression  --  (the  act  of  forcing  something  out  by  squeezing  or  pressing;  "the  expression  of  milk  from  her  breast") 
  Grep  of  adj  expression 
  Overview  of  noun  expression 
  The  noun  expression  has  8  senses  (first  6  from  tagged  texts) 
  1.  (23)  expression,  look  aspect,  facial  expression,  face  --  (the  expression  on  a  person's  face;  "a  sad  expression";  "a  look  of  triumph";  "an  angry  face") 
  2.  (18)  expression,  manifestation,  reflection,  reflexion  --  (expression  without  words  "tears  are  an  expression  of  grief";  "the  pulse  is  a  reflection  of  the  heart's  condition") 
  3.  (15)  expression  --  (the  communication  (in  speech  or  writing)  of  your  beliefs  or  opinions;  "expressions  of  good  will";  "he  helped  me  find  expression  for  my  ideas") 
  4.  (6)  saying,  expression,  locution  --  (a  word  or  phrase  that  particular  people  use  in  particular  situations;  "pardon  the  expression") 
  5.  (4)  formulation,  expression  --  (the  style  of  expressing  yourself  "he  suggested  a  better  formulation";  "his  manner  of  expression  showed  how  much  he  cared") 
  6.  (4)  formula,  expression  --  (a  group  of  symbols  that  make  a  mathematical  statement) 
  7.  construction,  grammatical  construction,  expression  --  (a  group  of  words  that  form  a  constituent  of  a  sentence  and  are  considered  as  a  single  unit;  "I  concluded  from  his  awkward  constructions  that  he  was  a  foreigner") 
  8.  expression  --  (the  act  of  forcing  something  out  by  squeezing  or  pressing;  "the  expression  of  milk  from  her  breast") 

expression definition