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farthest definition


  Overview  of  adj  farthest 
  The  adj  farthest  has  2  senses  (no  senses  from  tagged  texts) 
  1.  farthest  --  (most  distant  or  remote;  "man's  farthest  goal") 
  2.  farthermost,  farthest,  furthermost,  furthest,  utmost,  uttermost  --  (comparatives  of  "far";  most  remote  in  space  or  time  or  order  "had  traveled  to  the  farthest  frontier";  "don't  go  beyond  the  farthermost  (or  furthermost)  tree";  "explored  the  furthest  reaches  of  space";  "the  utmost  tip  of  the  peninsula") 
  Overview  of  adv  farthest 
  The  adv  farthest  has  2  senses  (first  1  from  tagged  texts) 
  1.  (1)  farthest,  furthest  --  (to  the  greatest  distance  in  space  or  time  (`farthest'  is  used  more  often  than  `furthest'  in  this  physical  sense);  "see  who  could  jump  the  farthest";  "chose  the  farthest  seat  from  the  door";  "he  swam  the  furthest") 
  2.  furthest,  farthest  --  (to  the  greatest  degree  or  extent  or  most  advanced  stage  (`furthest'  is  used  more  often  than  `farthest'  in  this  abstract  sense);  "went  the  furthest  of  all  the  children  in  her  education";  "furthest  removed  from  reality";  "she  goes  farthest  in  helping  us") 
  Antonyms  of  adj  farthest 
  2  senses  of  farthest 
  Sense  1 
  INDIRECT  (VIA  ultimate)  ->  proximate 
  Sense  2 
  farthermost,  farthest,  furthermost,  furthest,  utmost,  uttermost 
  INDIRECT  (VIA  far)  ->  near  close 
  Similarity  of  adj  farthest 
  2  senses  of  farthest 
  Sense  1 
  =>  ultimate  (vs.  proximate) 
  Sense  2 
  farthermost,  farthest,  furthermost,  furthest,  utmost,  uttermost 
  =>  far  (vs.  near) 
  Attributes  of  adj  farthest 
  Familiarity  of  adj  farthest 
  farthest  used  as  an  adjective  is  rare  (polysemy  count  =  2) 
  Grep  of  adj  farthest 
  Overview  of  adj  farthest 
  The  adj  farthest  has  2  senses  (no  senses  from  tagged  texts) 
  1.  farthest  --  (most  distant  or  remote;  "man's  farthest  goal") 
  2.  farthermost,  farthest,  furthermost,  furthest,  utmost,  uttermost  --  (comparatives  of  "far";  most  remote  in  space  or  time  or  order  "had  traveled  to  the  farthest  frontier";  "don't  go  beyond  the  farthermost  (or  furthermost)  tree";  "explored  the  furthest  reaches  of  space";  "the  utmost  tip  of  the  peninsula") 
  Overview  of  adv  farthest 
  The  adv  farthest  has  2  senses  (first  1  from  tagged  texts) 
  1.  (1)  farthest,  furthest  --  (to  the  greatest  distance  in  space  or  time  (`farthest'  is  used  more  often  than  `furthest'  in  this  physical  sense);  "see  who  could  jump  the  farthest";  "chose  the  farthest  seat  from  the  door";  "he  swam  the  furthest") 
  2.  furthest,  farthest  --  (to  the  greatest  degree  or  extent  or  most  advanced  stage  (`furthest'  is  used  more  often  than  `farthest'  in  this  abstract  sense);  "went  the  furthest  of  all  the  children  in  her  education";  "furthest  removed  from  reality";  "she  goes  farthest  in  helping  us") 

farthest definition