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goal definition


  Grep  of  noun  goal 
  field  goal 
  goal  line 
  Overview  of  noun  goal 
  The  noun  goal  has  4  senses  (first  4  from  tagged  texts) 
  1.  (243)  goal,  end  --  (the  state  of  affairs  that  a  plan  is  intended  to  achieve  and  that  (when  achieved)  terminates  behavior  intended  to  achieve  it  "the  ends  justify  the  means") 
  2.  (194)  goal  --  (a  successful  attempt  at  scoring;  "the  winning  goal  came  with  less  than  a  minute  left  to  play") 
  3.  (16)  goal  --  (game  equipment  consisting  of  the  place  toward  which  players  of  a  game  try  to  advance  a  ball  or  puck  in  order  to  score  points) 
  4.  (3)  finish,  destination,  goal  --  (the  place  designated  as  the  end  (as  of  a  race  or  journey);  "a  crowd  assembled  at  the  finish";  "he  was  nearly  exhuasted  as  their  destination  came  into  view") 
  Grep  of  adj  goal 
  Overview  of  noun  goal 
  The  noun  goal  has  4  senses  (first  4  from  tagged  texts) 
  1.  (243)  goal,  end  --  (the  state  of  affairs  that  a  plan  is  intended  to  achieve  and  that  (when  achieved)  terminates  behavior  intended  to  achieve  it  "the  ends  justify  the  means") 
  2.  (194)  goal  --  (a  successful  attempt  at  scoring;  "the  winning  goal  came  with  less  than  a  minute  left  to  play") 
  3.  (16)  goal  --  (game  equipment  consisting  of  the  place  toward  which  players  of  a  game  try  to  advance  a  ball  or  puck  in  order  to  score  points) 
  4.  (3)  finish,  destination,  goal  --  (the  place  designated  as  the  end  (as  of  a  race  or  journey);  "a  crowd  assembled  at  the  finish";  "he  was  nearly  exhuasted  as  their  destination  came  into  view") 

goal definition