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  1  definition  found 
  From  Webster's  Revised  Unabridged  Dictionary  (1913)  [web1913]: 
  Handy  \Hand"y\,  a.  [Compar.  {Handier};  superl.  {Handiest}.]  [OE. 
  hendi,  AS  hendig  (in  comp.),  fr  hand  hand;  akin  to  D. 
  handig,  Goth.  handugs  clever,  wise.] 
  1.  Performed  by  the  hand.  [Obs.] 
  To  draw  up  and  come  to  handy  strokes.  --Milton. 
  2.  Skillful  in  using  the  hand;  dexterous;  ready;  adroit. 
  ``Each  is  handy  in  his  way.''  --Dryden. 
  3.  Ready  to  the  hand;  near  also  suited  to  the  use  of  the 
  hand;  convenient;  valuable  for  reference  or  use  as  my 
  tools  are  handy;  a  handy  volume. 
  4.  (Naut.)  Easily  managed;  obedient  to  the  helm;  --  said  of  a 

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