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ite definition
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Grep of noun ite achondrite aconite actinolite active site aerolite albite alexandrite almandite amblygonite ammonite amphibolite anchorite andesite andosite andradite andrew d. white andrew dickson white annamite anorthite anthophyllite anthracite anthropophagite anti-semite antimetabolite apatite aphanite aphrodite aplite appetite aragonite archimandrite argentite argillite argyrodite arsenopyrite artificial satellite astronomy satellite augite austenite baddeleyite bakelite barite bastnaesite bastnasite batholite bauxite bedlamite bedroom suite belemnite bentonite biotite bite black and white black kite blatherskite blue marguerite bobwhite bomb site bornite box kite building site burial site butyl nitrite calcite calcium hypochlorite camping site campsite canaanite carmelite carnallite carnotite cassite cassiterite celestite cellulite cementite cenobite cerussite ceylonite chalcanthite chalcocite chalcopyrite chalybite chamosite chondrite chromite chrysolite cinema verite cobaltite coenobite columbite communications satellite composite copalite cordierite cordite cosmopolite cristobalite cryolite crystallite cuprite cyanite damourite dendrite diatomite diningroom suite diorite dog bite dolomite drill site dumpsite dynamite e. b. white ebonite ectoparasite egg white elamite elite elwyn brooks white endoparasite entoparasite eremite essonite evaporite favorite favourite fergusonite ferrite flea bite fluorapatite fluorite fomite frostbite gadolinite galilean satellite garnierite gelignite germanite gibbsite glauconite globular pearlite glycerite goethite golden marguerite gothite granite granular pearlite graphite greenockite gummite gunite haematite halite harvest mite hausmannite hell-kite hematite hemimorphite hemiparasite hermaphrodite hessonite hiddenite hittite honey mesquite hussite hydrazoite hypochlorite hypocrite ilmenite indo-hittite insect bite internet site invite iron pyrite isobutyl nitrite israelite itch mite item itemisation itemization iteration jacobite jadeite jean laffite kainite kaolinite kassite kernite kieserite kimberlite kite kunzite kyanite labourite laffite land site langbeinite large white laterite launching site lechartelierite lechatelierite lepidocrocite lepidolite lignite limonite living granite livingroom suite love bite lucite luddite magnesite magnetite malachite malaria parasite malecite manganite marguerite marlite marmite martensite masonite mennonite merozoite mesquite metabolite meteorite meteorological satellite micrometeorite millerite mite molybdenite monazite morganite mosquito bite muscovite nephrite new hampshirite niobite nitrite nitrocalcite northern bobwhite nummulite off-white olivenite opposite overbite ozocerite ozokerite pallasite paragonite parasite patrick victor martindale white patrick white pearlite pegmatite pentlandite peridotite perquisite petite petite marmite phlogopite pinite plebiscite pollucite pond-scum parasite poor white powder-post termite pre-raphaelite prerequisite preterite pseudohermaphrodite pyrite pyrolusite pyromorphite pyrophyllite pyrrhotite quartzite ratite red spider mite religious rite rensselaerite requisite respite rewrite rhodochrosite rhodolite rhodonite rhyolite rite samarskite samite samnite saprolite satellite scheelite sclerite screwbean mesquite semite sepiolite shi'ite shiite shite siderite simon the canaanite site small white smaltite snakebite socialite sodalite sodium hypochlorite sodium nitrite sodomite somite sound bite sphalerite spider mite spite sporozoite sprite spy satellite stalactite stalagmite stanford white stannite steatite stellite stibnite strawberry blite strontianite stylite suburbanite suite sunnite swallow-tailed kite sybarite sylvanite sylvite t. h. white tachylite taconite tantalite tektite termite theodolite theodore harold white thorite thortveitite toxic dumpsite toxic waste site transvestite tremolite tridymite trophozoite trotskyite uraninite vanadinite vesuvianite vinylite vulcanite water sprite weather satellite web site western honey mesquite white white-tailed kite winter aconite wisconsinite wolframite wollastonite wulfenite wyomingite yosemite ytterbite zinc white zinkenite zinnwaldite Grep of adj ite anti-semite apposite bipartite black-and-white black and white carmelite composite contrite definite elite erudite exquisite favorite favourite finite hermaphrodite impolite inapposite indefinite infinite item-by-item iterative lily-white lite milk-white multipartite muscovite non-finite off-site off-white on-site opposite pearly-white petite polite pre-raphaelite prerequisite preterite pseudohermaphrodite quadripartite recondite requisite satellite semite snow-white transvestite tripartite trite white
ite definition