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prosperous prosperous definition


  Overview  of  adj  prosperous 
  The  adj  prosperous  has  4  senses  (first  2  from  tagged  texts) 
  1.  (2)  comfortable,  easy,  prosperous,  well-fixed,  well-heeled,  well-off,  well-situated,  well-to-do  --  (in  fortunate  circumstances  financially;  moderately  rich;  "they  were  comfortable  or  even  wealthy  by  some  standards";  "easy  living";  "a  prosperous  family";  "his  family  is  well-situated  financially";  "well-to-do  members  of  the  community") 
  2.  (1)  booming,  flourishing,  palmy,  prospering,  prosperous,  roaring,  thriving  --  (very  lively  and  profitable;  "flourishing  businesses";  "a  palmy  time  for  stockbrokers";  "a  prosperous  new  business";  "doing  a  roaring  trade";  "a  thriving  tourist  center";  "did  a  thriving  business  in  orchids") 
  3.  golden,  halcyon,  prosperous  --  (marked  by  peace  and  prosperity;  "a  golden  era";  "the  halcyon  days  of  the  clipper  trade") 
  4.  auspicious,  encouraging,  favorable,  favourable,  lucky,  prosperous  --  (tending  to  favor  or  bring  good  luck;  "miracles  are  auspicious  accidents";  "encouraging  omens";  "a  favorable  time  to  ask  for  a  raise";  "lucky  stars";  "a  prosperous  moment  to  make  a  decision") 
  Antonyms  of  adj  prosperous 
  4  senses  of  prosperous 
  Sense  1 
  comfortable,  easy,  prosperous,  well-fixed,  well-heeled,  well-off,  well-situated,  well-to-do 
  INDIRECT  (VIA  rich)  ->  poor 
  Sense  2 
  booming,  flourishing,  palmy,  prospering,  prosperous,  roaring,  thriving 
  INDIRECT  (VIA  successful)  ->  unsuccessful 
  Sense  3 
  golden,  halcyon,  prosperous 
  INDIRECT  (VIA  happy)  ->  unhappy 
  Sense  4 
  auspicious,  encouraging,  favorable,  favourable,  lucky,  prosperous 
  INDIRECT  (VIA  propitious)  ->  unpropitious 
  Similarity  of  adj  prosperous 
  4  senses  of  prosperous 
  Sense  1 
  comfortable,  easy,  prosperous,  well-fixed,  well-heeled,  well-off,  well-situated,  well-to-do 
  =>  rich  (vs.  poor) 
  Sense  2 
  booming,  flourishing,  palmy,  prospering,  prosperous,  roaring,  thriving 
  =>  successful  (vs.  unsuccessful) 
  Sense  3 
  golden,  halcyon,  prosperous 
  =>  happy  (vs.  unhappy) 
  Sense  4 
  auspicious,  encouraging,  favorable,  favourable,  lucky,  prosperous 
  =>  propitious  (vs.  unpropitious) 
  Attributes  of  adj  prosperous 
  Familiarity  of  adj  prosperous 
  prosperous  used  as  an  adjective  is  uncommon  (polysemy  count  =  4) 
  Grep  of  adj  prosperous 
  Overview  of  adj  prosperous 
  The  adj  prosperous  has  4  senses  (first  2  from  tagged  texts) 
  1.  (2)  comfortable,  easy,  prosperous,  well-fixed,  well-heeled,  well-off,  well-situated,  well-to-do  --  (in  fortunate  circumstances  financially;  moderately  rich;  "they  were  comfortable  or  even  wealthy  by  some  standards";  "easy  living";  "a  prosperous  family";  "his  family  is  well-situated  financially";  "well-to-do  members  of  the  community") 
  2.  (1)  booming,  flourishing,  palmy,  prospering,  prosperous,  roaring,  thriving  --  (very  lively  and  profitable;  "flourishing  businesses";  "a  palmy  time  for  stockbrokers";  "a  prosperous  new  business";  "doing  a  roaring  trade";  "a  thriving  tourist  center";  "did  a  thriving  business  in  orchids") 
  3.  golden,  halcyon,  prosperous  --  (marked  by  peace  and  prosperity;  "a  golden  era";  "the  halcyon  days  of  the  clipper  trade") 
  4.  auspicious,  encouraging,  favorable,  favourable,  lucky,  prosperous  --  (tending  to  favor  or  bring  good  luck;  "miracles  are  auspicious  accidents";  "encouraging  omens";  "a  favorable  time  to  ask  for  a  raise";  "lucky  stars";  "a  prosperous  moment  to  make  a  decision") 

prosperous definition