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  2  definitions  found 
  From  Webster's  Revised  Unabridged  Dictionary  (1913)  [web1913]: 
  Scup  \Scup\,  n.  [Contr.  fr  American  Indian  mishc[`u]p,  fr 
  mishe-kuppi  large  thick-scaled.]  (Zo["o]l.) 
  A  marine  sparoid  food  fish  ({Stenotomus  chrysops},  or  {S. 
  argyrops}),  common  on  the  Atlantic  coast  of  the  United 
  States.  It  appears  bright  silvery  when  swimming  in  the 
  daytime,  but  shows  broad  blackish  transverse  bands  at  night 
  and  when  dead.  Called  also  {porgee},  {paugy},  {porgy}, 
  Note:  The  same  names  are  also  applied  to  a  closely  allied 
  Southern  species.  ({Stenotomus  Gardeni}). 
  From  Webster's  Revised  Unabridged  Dictionary  (1913)  [web1913]: 
  Porgy  \Por"gy\,  n.;  pl  {Porgies}.  [See  {Paugie}.]  (Zo["o]l.) 
  a  The  scup. 
  b  The  sailor's  choice,  or  pinfish. 
  c  The  margate  fish. 
  d  The  spadefish. 
  e  Any  one  of  several  species  of  embiotocoids,  or  surf 
  fishes,  of  the  Pacific  coast.  The  name  is  also  given 
  locally  to  several  other  fishes,  as  the  bur  fish. 
  [Written  also  {porgee},  {porgie},  and  {paugy}.]