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runners runners definition


  Grep  of  noun  runner 
  base  runner 
  blue  runner 
  english  runner  bean 
  long-distance  runner 
  marathon  runner 
  race  runner 
  rainbow  runner 
  road  runner 
  runner-up  finish 
  runner  bean 
  scarlet  runner 
  scarlet  runner  bean 
  six-lined  racerunner 
  Overview  of  noun  runner 
  The  noun  runner  has  8  senses  (first  4  from  tagged  texts) 
  1.  (3)  smuggler,  runner,  contrabandist,  mooncurser  --  (someone  who  imports  or  exports  without  paying  duties) 
  2.  (1)  runner  --  (someone  who  travels  on  foot  by  running) 
  3.  (1)  runner  --  (a  person  who  is  employed  to  deliver  messages  or  documents;  "he  sent  a  runner  over  with  the  contract") 
  4.  (1)  base  runner,  runner  --  (a  baseball  player  on  the  team  at  bat  who  is  on  base  (or  attempting  to  reach  a  base)) 
  5.  stolon,  runner,  offset  --  (a  horizontal  branch  from  the  base  of  plant  that  produces  new  plants  from  buds  at  its  tips) 
  6.  runner  --  (a  trained  athlete  who  competes  in  foot  races) 
  7.  runner  --  (device  consisting  of  the  parts  on  which  something  can  slide  along) 
  8.  runner,  blue  runner,  Caranx  crysos  --  (fish  of  western  Atlantic:  Cape  Cod  to  Brazil) 
  Overview  of  noun  runner 
  The  noun  runner  has  8  senses  (first  4  from  tagged  texts) 
  1.  (3)  smuggler,  runner,  contrabandist,  mooncurser  --  (someone  who  imports  or  exports  without  paying  duties) 
  2.  (1)  runner  --  (someone  who  travels  on  foot  by  running) 
  3.  (1)  runner  --  (a  person  who  is  employed  to  deliver  messages  or  documents;  "he  sent  a  runner  over  with  the  contract") 
  4.  (1)  base  runner,  runner  --  (a  baseball  player  on  the  team  at  bat  who  is  on  base  (or  attempting  to  reach  a  base)) 
  5.  stolon,  runner,  offset  --  (a  horizontal  branch  from  the  base  of  plant  that  produces  new  plants  from  buds  at  its  tips) 
  6.  runner  --  (a  trained  athlete  who  competes  in  foot  races) 
  7.  runner  --  (device  consisting  of  the  parts  on  which  something  can  slide  along) 
  8.  runner,  blue  runner,  Caranx  crysos  --  (fish  of  western  Atlantic:  Cape  Cod  to  Brazil) 

runners definition