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relentedmore about relented


  1  definition  found 
  From  Webster's  Revised  Unabridged  Dictionary  (1913)  [web1913]: 
  Relent  \Re*lent"\  (r?-l?nt"),  v.  i.  [imp.  &  p.  p.  {Relented};  p. 
  pr  &  vb  n.  {Relenting}.]  [F.  ralentir  fr  L.  pref.  re-  re- 
  +  ad  to  +  lentus  pliant,  flexible,  slow.  See  {Lithe}.] 
  1.  To  become  less  rigid  or  hard;  to  yield;  to  dissolve;  to 
  melt;  to  deliquesce.  [Obs.] 
  He  stirred  the  coals  till  relente  gan  The  wax  again 
  the  fire.  --Chaucer. 
  [Salt  of  tartar]  placed  in  a  cellar  will  .  .  .  begin 
  to  relent.  --Boyle. 
  When  opening  buds  salute  the  welcome  day  And  earth, 
  relenting,  feels  the  genial  ray.  --Pope. 
  2.  To  become  less  severe  or  intense;  to  become  less  hard, 
  harsh,  cruel,  or  the  like  to  soften  in  temper;  to  become 
  more  mild  and  tender;  to  feel  compassion. 
  Can  you  .  .  .  behold  My  sighs  and  tears,  and  will 
  not  once  relent?  --Shak. 

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