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sensible sensible definition


  Grep  of  noun  sensible 
  sensible  horizon 
  Overview  of  adj  sensible 
  The  adj  sensible  has  7  senses  (first  1  from  tagged  texts) 
  1.  (3)  reasonable,  sensible  --  (showing  reason  or  sound  judgment;  "a  sensible  choice";  "a  sensible  person") 
  2.  sensible,  sensitive  --  (able  to  feel  or  perceive;  "even  amoeba  are  sensible  creatures";  "the  more  sensible  parts  of  the  skin") 
  3.  sensible,  thoughtful  --  (acting  with  or  showing  thought  and  good  sense  "a  sensible  young  man") 
  4.  judicious,  sensible,  wise  --  (marked  by  the  exercise  of  good  judgment  or  common  sense  in  practical  matters;  "judicious  use  of  one's  money";  "a  sensible  manager";  "a  wise  decision") 
  5.  sensible  --  (readily  perceived  by  the  senses  "the  sensible  universe";  "a  sensible  odor") 
  6.  sensible  --  (aware  intuitively  or  intellectually  of  something  sensed;  "made  sensible  of  his  mistakes";  "I  am  sensible  that  the  mention  of  such  a  circumstance  may  appear  trifling"-  Henry  Hallam;  "sensible  that  a  good  deal  more  is  still  to  be  done"-  Edmund  Burke) 
  7.  judicious,  sensible  --  (proceeding  from  good  sense  or  judgment;  "a  sensible  choice") 
  Antonyms  of  adj  sensible 
  7  senses  of  sensible 
  Sense  1 
  reasonable  (vs.  unreasonable),  sensible 
  Sense  2 
  sensible  (vs.  insensible),  sensitive 
  insensible  (vs.  sensible) 
  =>  anesthetic(postnominal),  anaesthetic(postnominal) 
  =>  anesthetized,  anesthetised,  anaesthetized,  anaesthetised 
  =>  asleep(prenominal),  benumbed,  numb 
  =>  sedated 
  Sense  3 
  sensible,  thoughtful 
  INDIRECT  (VIA  serious)  ->  frivolous 
  Sense  4 
  judicious,  sensible,  wise 
  INDIRECT  (VIA  prudent)  ->  imprudent 
  Sense  5 
  INDIRECT  (VIA  perceptible)  ->  imperceptible,  unperceivable 
  Sense  6 
  INDIRECT  (VIA  aware)  ->  unaware 
  Sense  7 
  judicious,  sensible 
  INDIRECT  (VIA  advisable)  ->  inadvisable,  unadvisable 
  Similarity  of  adj  sensible 
  7  senses  of  sensible 
  Sense  1 
  reasonable  (vs.  unreasonable),  sensible 
  =>  commonsense,  commonsensible,  commonsensical 
  =>  healthy,  intelligent,  levelheaded,  sound 
  =>  logical 
  =>  tenable,  well-founded 
  Also  See->  fair#1,  just#3;  logical#1;  rational#1;  valid#1 
  Sense  2 
  sensible  (vs.  insensible),  sensitive 
  Also  See->  aware#1;  conscious#2;  sensitive#1 
  Sense  3 
  sensible,  thoughtful 
  =>  serious  (vs.  frivolous) 
  Sense  4 
  judicious,  sensible,  wise 
  =>  prudent  (vs.  imprudent) 
  Sense  5 
  =>  perceptible  (vs.  imperceptible) 
  Sense  6 
  =>  aware(prenominal)  (vs.  unaware) 
  Sense  7 
  judicious,  sensible 
  =>  advisable  (vs.  inadvisable) 
  Attributes  of  adj  sensible 
  1  of  7  senses  of  sensible 
  Sense  1 
  reasonable  (vs.  unreasonable),  sensible 
  =>  reasonableness 
  Familiarity  of  adj  sensible 
  sensible  used  as  an  adjective  is  common  (polysemy  count  =  7) 
  Grep  of  adj  sensible 
  Overview  of  adj  sensible 
  The  adj  sensible  has  7  senses  (first  1  from  tagged  texts) 
  1.  (3)  reasonable,  sensible  --  (showing  reason  or  sound  judgment;  "a  sensible  choice";  "a  sensible  person") 
  2.  sensible,  sensitive  --  (able  to  feel  or  perceive;  "even  amoeba  are  sensible  creatures";  "the  more  sensible  parts  of  the  skin") 
  3.  sensible,  thoughtful  --  (acting  with  or  showing  thought  and  good  sense  "a  sensible  young  man") 
  4.  judicious,  sensible,  wise  --  (marked  by  the  exercise  of  good  judgment  or  common  sense  in  practical  matters;  "judicious  use  of  one's  money";  "a  sensible  manager";  "a  wise  decision") 
  5.  sensible  --  (readily  perceived  by  the  senses  "the  sensible  universe";  "a  sensible  odor") 
  6.  sensible  --  (aware  intuitively  or  intellectually  of  something  sensed;  "made  sensible  of  his  mistakes";  "I  am  sensible  that  the  mention  of  such  a  circumstance  may  appear  trifling"-  Henry  Hallam;  "sensible  that  a  good  deal  more  is  still  to  be  done"-  Edmund  Burke) 
  7.  judicious,  sensible  --  (proceeding  from  good  sense  or  judgment;  "a  sensible  choice") 

sensible definition