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ugliestmore about ugliest


  1  definition  found 
  From  Webster's  Revised  Unabridged  Dictionary  (1913)  [web1913]: 
  Ugly  \Ug"ly\,  a.  [Compar.  {Uglier};  superl.  {Ugliest}.]  [Icel. 
  uggligr  fearful,  dreadful;  uggr  fear  (akin  to  ugga  to  fear)  + 
  -ligr  (akin  to  E.  -ly,  like).  ??.  Cf  {Awe}.] 
  1.  Offensive  to  the  sight;  contrary  to  beauty;  being  of 
  disagreeable  or  loathsome  aspect;  unsightly;  repulsive; 
  The  ugly  view  of  his  deformed  crimes.  --Spenser. 
  Like  the  toad,  ugly  and  venomous.  --Shak. 
  O,  I  have  passed  a  miserable  night,  So  full  of  ugly 
  sights,  of  ghastly  dreams.  --Shak. 
  2.  Ill-natured;  crossgrained;  quarrelsome;  as  an  ugly 
  temper;  to  feel  ugly.  [Colloq.  U.  S.] 
  3.  Unpleasant;  disagreeable;  likely  to  cause  trouble  or  loss 
  as  an  ugly  rumor;  an  ugly  customer.  [Colloq.] 

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