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ultimatumsmore about ultimatums


  1  definition  found 
  From  Webster's  Revised  Unabridged  Dictionary  (1913)  [web1913]: 
  Ultimatum  \Ul`ti*ma"tum\,  n.;  pl  E.  {Ultimatums},  L. 
  {Ultimata}.  [NL.  See  {Ultimate}.] 
  A  final  proposition,  concession,  or  condition;  especially, 
  the  final  propositions,  conditions,  or  terms,  offered  by 
  either  of  the  parties  in  a  diplomatic  negotiation;  the  most 
  favorable  terms  a  negotiator  can  offer,  the  rejection  of 
  which  usually  puts  an  end  to  the  hesitation. 

more about ultimatums