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  1  definition  found 
  From  Webster's  Revised  Unabridged  Dictionary  (1913)  [web1913]: 
  Imbitter  \Im*bit"ter\,  v.  t.  [imp.  &  p.  p.  {Imbittered};  p.  pr 
  &  vb  n.  {Imbittering}.]  [Pref.  im-  in  +  bitter.  Cf 
  {Embitter}.]  [Written  also  {embitter}.] 
  To  make  bitter;  hence  to  make  distressing  or  more 
  distressing;  to  make  sad,  morose,  sour,  or  malignant. 
  Is  there  anything  that  more  imbitters  the  enjoyment  of 
  this  life  than  shame?  --South. 
  Imbittered  against  each  other  by  former  contests. 