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5 definitions found From U.S. Gazetteer (1990) [gazetteer]: Ada, KS Zip code(s): 67414 Ada, MI Zip code(s): 49301 Ada, MN (city, FIPS 172) Location: 47.29952 N, 96.51393 W Population (1990): 1708 (881 housing units) Area: 3.1 sq km (land), 0.0 sq km (water) Ada, OH (village, FIPS 198) Location: 40.76884 N, 83.82386 W Population (1990): 5413 (1857 housing units) Area: 4.0 sq km (land), 0.0 sq km (water) Zip code(s): 45810 Ada, OK (city, FIPS 200) Location: 34.77701 N, 96.66041 W Population (1990): 15820 (7602 housing units) Area: 33.1 sq km (land), 0.1 sq km (water) Zip code(s): 74820 From Jargon File (4.2.3, 23 NOV 2000) [jargon]: Ada n. A {{Pascal}}-descended language that was at one time made mandatory for Department of Defense software projects by the Pentagon. Hackers are nearly unanimous in observing that technically, it is precisely what one might expect given that kind of endorsement by fiat; designed by committee, crockish difficult to use and overall a disastrous, multi-billion-dollar boondoggle (one common description wss "The PL/I of the 1980s"). Hackers find Ada's exception-handling and inter-process communication features particularly hilarious. Ada Lovelace (the daughter of Lord Byron who became the world's first programmer while cooperating with Charles Babbage on the design of his mechanical computing engines in the mid-1800s) would almost certainly blanch at the use to which her name has latterly been put the kindest thing that has been said about it is that there is probably a good small language screaming to get out from inside its vast, {elephantine} bulk. From The Free On-line Dictionary of Computing (13 Mar 01) [foldoc]: Ada(After {Ada Lovelace}) A {Pascal}-descended language, designed by Jean Ichbiah's team at {CII Honeywell} in 1979, made mandatory for Department of Defense software projects by the Pentagon. The original language was standardised as "Ada 83", the latest is "{Ada 95}". Ada is a large complex, {block-structured} language aimed primarily at {embedded} applications. It has facilities for {real-time} response, {concurrency}, hardware access and reliable run-time error handling. In support of large-scale {software engineering}, it emphasises {strong typing}, {data abstraction} and {encapsulation}. The type system uses {name equivalence} and includes both {subtype}s and {derived type}s. Both fixed and {floating-point} numerical types are supported. {Control flow} is fully bracketed: if-then-elsif-end if case-is-when-end case, loop-exit-end loop, goto. Subprogram parameters are in out or inout. Variables imported from other packages may be hidden or directly visible. Operators may be {overloaded} and so may {enumeration} literals. There are user-defined {exception}s and {exception handler}s. An Ada program consists of a set of packages encapsulating data objects and their related operations. A package has a separately compilable body and interface. Ada permits {generic package}s and subroutines, possibly parametrised Ada support {single inheritance}, using "tagged types" which are types that can be extended via {inheritance}. Ada programming places a heavy emphasis on {multitasking}. Tasks are synchronised by the {rendezvous}, in which a task waits for one of its subroutines to be executed by another. The conditional entry makes it possible for a task to test whether an entry is ready. The selective wait waits for either of two entries or waits for a limited time. Ada is often criticised, especially for its size and complexity, and this is attributed to its having been designed by committee. In fact both Ada 83 and Ada 95 were designed by small design teams to be internally consistent and tightly integrated. By contrast, two possible competitors, {Fortran 90} and {C++} have both become products designed by large and disparate volunteer committees. See also {Ada/Ed}, {Toy/Ada}. {Home of the Brave Ada Programmers (}. {Ada FAQs (} (hypertext), {text only (}. {(}, {(}, {(}. E-mail: . {Usenet} newsgroup: {news:comp.lang.ada}. {An Ada grammar (} including a lex scanner and yacc parser is available. E-mail: . {Another yacc grammar and parser for Ada by Herman Fischer ( GRAM2.SRC)}. An {LR parser} and {pretty-printer} for {Ada} from NASA is available from the {Ada Software Repository}. {Adamakegen} generates {makefiles} for {Ada} programs. ["Reference Manual for the Ada Programming Language", ANSI/MIL STD 1815A, US DoD (Jan 1983)]. Earlier draft versions appeared in July 1980 and July 1982. ISO 1987. [{Jargon File}] (2000-08-12) From The Free On-line Dictionary of Computing (13 Mar 01) [foldoc]: Ada++ An {object-oriented} extension to {Ada}, implemented as an Ada {preprocessor}. Obsoleted by {Ada 95} which includes object-oriented features. [{Jargon File}] (1995-09-19) From V.E.R.A. -- Virtual Entity of Relevant Acronyms 13 March 2001 [vera]: ADA Automatic Data Acquisitions
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