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authority definition


  Grep  of  noun  authority 
  authority  figure 
  civil  authority 
  good  authority 
  redevelopment  authority 
  regulatory  authority 
  supreme  authority 
  Overview  of  noun  authority 
  The  noun  authority  has  7  senses  (first  6  from  tagged  texts) 
  1.  (18)  authority,  authorization,  authorisation,  dominance,  say-so  --  (the  power  or  right  to  give  orders  or  make  decisions;  "he  has  the  authority  to  issue  warrants";  "deputies  are  given  authorization  to  make  arrests") 
  2.  (6)  authority  --  ((usually  plural)  persons  who  exercise  (administrative)  control  over  others  "the  authorities  have  issued  a  curfew") 
  3.  (3)  authority  --  (an  expert  whose  views  are  taken  as  definitive;  "he  is  an  authority  on  corporate  law") 
  4.  (2)  assurance,  self-assurance,  confidence,  self-confidence,  authority,  sureness  --  (freedom  from  doubt;  belief  in  yourself  and  your  abilities;  "his  assurance  in  his  superiority  did  not  make  him  popular";  "after  that  failure  he  lost  his  confidence";  "she  spoke  with  authority") 
  5.  (1)  agency,  federal  agency,  government  agency,  bureau,  office,  authority  --  (an  administrative  unit  of  government;  "the  Central  Intelligence  Agency";  "the  Census  Bureau";  "Office  of  Management  and  Budget";  "Tennessee  Valley  Authority") 
  6.  (1)  authority,  authorization,  authorisation,  sanction  --  (official  permission  or  approval;  "authority  for  the  program  was  renewed  several  times") 
  7.  authority  --  (an  authoritative  written  work  "this  book  is  the  final  authority  on  the  life  of  Milton") 
  Overview  of  noun  authority 
  The  noun  authority  has  7  senses  (first  6  from  tagged  texts) 
  1.  (18)  authority,  authorization,  authorisation,  dominance,  say-so  --  (the  power  or  right  to  give  orders  or  make  decisions;  "he  has  the  authority  to  issue  warrants";  "deputies  are  given  authorization  to  make  arrests") 
  2.  (6)  authority  --  ((usually  plural)  persons  who  exercise  (administrative)  control  over  others  "the  authorities  have  issued  a  curfew") 
  3.  (3)  authority  --  (an  expert  whose  views  are  taken  as  definitive;  "he  is  an  authority  on  corporate  law") 
  4.  (2)  assurance,  self-assurance,  confidence,  self-confidence,  authority,  sureness  --  (freedom  from  doubt;  belief  in  yourself  and  your  abilities;  "his  assurance  in  his  superiority  did  not  make  him  popular";  "after  that  failure  he  lost  his  confidence";  "she  spoke  with  authority") 
  5.  (1)  agency,  federal  agency,  government  agency,  bureau,  office,  authority  --  (an  administrative  unit  of  government;  "the  Central  Intelligence  Agency";  "the  Census  Bureau";  "Office  of  Management  and  Budget";  "Tennessee  Valley  Authority") 
  6.  (1)  authority,  authorization,  authorisation,  sanction  --  (official  permission  or  approval;  "authority  for  the  program  was  renewed  several  times") 
  7.  authority  --  (an  authoritative  written  work  "this  book  is  the  final  authority  on  the  life  of  Milton") 

authority definition