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  2  definitions  found 
  From  Webster's  Revised  Unabridged  Dictionary  (1913)  [web1913]: 
  Appui  \Ap`pui"\,  n.  (Man.) 
  The  mutual  bearing  or  support  of  the  hand  of  the  rider  and 
  the  mouth  of  the  horse  through  the  bit  and  bridle. 
  {Point  d'appui},  any  point  of  support  or  basis  of  operations, 
  as  a  rallying  point. 
  From  Webster's  Revised  Unabridged  Dictionary  (1913)  [web1913]: 
  Appui  \Ap`pui"\,  n.  [F.,  fr  L.  ad  +  podium  foothold,  Gr  ?, 
  dim.  of  ?,  ?,  foot.] 
  A  support  or  supporter;  a  stay;  a  prop.  [Obs.] 
  If  a  vine  be  to  climb  trees  that  are  of  any  great 
  height,  there  would  be  stays  and  appuies  set  to  it 
  {Point  d'appui}.  [F.,  a  point  of  support.]  (Mil.) 
  a  A  given  point  or  body,  upon  which  troops  are  formed,  or 
  by  which  are  marched  in  line  or  column. 
  b  An  advantageous  defensive  support,  as  a  castle,  morass, 
  wood,  declivity,  etc