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bass definition


  Grep  of  noun  bass 
  bass  clarinet 
  bass  clef 
  bass  drum 
  bass  fiddle 
  bass  horn 
  bass  part 
  bass  viol 
  bass  voice 
  bassariscus  astutus 
  basset  horn 
  basset  hound 
  basset  oboe 
  bassia  scoparia 
  basso  continuo 
  basso  profundo 
  basso  relievo 
  basso  rilievo 
  black  bass 
  black  sea  bass 
  blackmouth  bass 
  channel  bass 
  double  bass 
  figured  bass 
  freshwater  bass 
  ground  bass 
  kentucky  black  bass 
  largemouth  bass 
  largemouth  black  bass 
  largemouthed  bass 
  largemouthed  black  bass 
  rock  bass 
  rock  sea  bass 
  sea  bass 
  smallmouth  bass 
  smallmouth  black  bass 
  smallmouthed  bass 
  smallmouthed  black  bass 
  spotted  black  bass 
  stone  bass 
  string  bass 
  striped  bass 
  thorough  bass 
  yellow  bass 
  Overview  of  noun  bass 
  The  noun  bass  has  8  senses  (first  2  from  tagged  texts) 
  1.  (2)  bass  --  (the  lowest  part  of  the  musical  range) 
  2.  (1)  bass,  bass  part  --  (the  lowest  part  in  polyphonic  music) 
  3.  bass,  basso  --  (an  adult  male  singer  with  the  lowest  voice) 
  4.  sea  bass,  bass  --  (the  lean  flesh  of  a  saltwater  fish  of  the  family  Serranidae) 
  5.  freshwater  bass,  bass  --  (any  of  various  North  American  freshwater  fish  with  lean  flesh  (especially  of  the  genus  Micropterus)) 
  6.  bass,  bass  voice,  basso  --  (the  lowest  adult  male  singing  voice) 
  7.  bass  --  (the  member  with  the  lowest  range  of  a  family  of  musical  instruments) 
  8.  bass  --  (nontechnical  name  for  any  of  numerous  edible  marine  and  freshwater  spiny-finned  fishes) 
  Overview  of  adj  bass 
  The  adj  bass  has  1  sense  (no  senses  from  tagged  texts) 
  1.  bass,  deep  --  (having  or  denoting  a  low  vocal  or  instrumental  range;  "a  deep  voice";  "a  bass  voice  is  lower  than  a  baritone  voice";  "a  bass  clarinet") 
  Antonyms  of  adj  bass 
  1  sense  of  bass 
  Sense  1 
  bass,  deep 
  INDIRECT  (VIA  low)  ->  high,  high-pitched 
  Similarity  of  adj  bass 
  1  sense  of  bass 
  Sense  1 
  bass,  deep 
  =>  low  (vs.  high),  low-pitched 
  Attributes  of  adj  bass 
  Familiarity  of  adj  bass 
  bass  used  as  an  adjective  is  very  rare  (polysemy  count  =  1) 
  Grep  of  adj  bass 
  Overview  of  noun  bass 
  The  noun  bass  has  8  senses  (first  2  from  tagged  texts) 
  1.  (2)  bass  --  (the  lowest  part  of  the  musical  range) 
  2.  (1)  bass,  bass  part  --  (the  lowest  part  in  polyphonic  music) 
  3.  bass,  basso  --  (an  adult  male  singer  with  the  lowest  voice) 
  4.  sea  bass,  bass  --  (the  lean  flesh  of  a  saltwater  fish  of  the  family  Serranidae) 
  5.  freshwater  bass,  bass  --  (any  of  various  North  American  freshwater  fish  with  lean  flesh  (especially  of  the  genus  Micropterus)) 
  6.  bass,  bass  voice,  basso  --  (the  lowest  adult  male  singing  voice) 
  7.  bass  --  (the  member  with  the  lowest  range  of  a  family  of  musical  instruments) 
  8.  bass  --  (nontechnical  name  for  any  of  numerous  edible  marine  and  freshwater  spiny-finned  fishes) 
  Overview  of  adj  bass 
  The  adj  bass  has  1  sense  (no  senses  from  tagged  texts) 
  1.  bass,  deep  --  (having  or  denoting  a  low  vocal  or  instrumental  range;  "a  deep  voice";  "a  bass  voice  is  lower  than  a  baritone  voice";  "a  bass  clarinet") 

bass definition