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  2  definitions  found 
  From  Webster's  Revised  Unabridged  Dictionary  (1913)  [web1913]: 
  Bundesrath  \Bun"des*rath`\,  n.  [G.;  bund  confederacy  +  rath 
  Lit.,  a  federal  council,  esp.  of  the  German  Empire.  See 
  From  Webster's  Revised  Unabridged  Dictionary  (1913)  [web1913]: 
  Bundesrath  \Bun"des*rath`\  (b[oo^]n"d[e^]s*r[aum]t`),  n.  [G., 
  from  bund  (akin  to  E.  bond)  confederacy  +  rath  council,  prob. 
  akin  to  E.  read.] 
  The  federal  council  of  the  German  Empire.  In  the  Bundesrath 
  and  the  Reichstag  are  vested  the  legislative  functions.  The 
  federal  council  of  Switzerland  is  also  so  called 
  Note:  The  Bundesrath  of  the  German  empire  is  presided  over  by 
  a  chancellor,  and  is  composed  of  sixty-two  members,  who 
  represent  the  different  states  of  the  empire,  being 
  appointed  for  each  session  by  their  respective 
  By  this  united  congress,  the  highest  tribunal  of 
  Switzerland,  --  the  Bundesrath  --  is  chosen,  and 
  the  head  of  this  is  a  president.  --J.  P.  Peters 
  Pol.  Hist.).