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more about centralized


  2  definitions  found 
  From  Webster's  Revised  Unabridged  Dictionary  (1913)  [web1913]: 
  Centralize  \Cen"tral*ize\,  v.  t.  [imp.  &  p.  p.  {Centralized};  p. 
  pr  &  vb  n.  {Centralizing}.]  [Cf.  F.  centraliser.] 
  To  draw  or  bring  to  a  center  point;  to  gather  into  or  about  a 
  center;  to  bring  into  one  system,  or  under  one  control. 
  [To]  centralize  the  power  of  government.  --Bancroft. 
  From  WordNet  r  1.6  [wn]: 
  adj  1:  drawn  toward  a  center  or  brought  under  the  control  of  a 
  central  authority;  "centralized  control  of  emergency 
  relief  efforts";  "centralized  government"  [ant:  {decentralized}] 
  2:  concentrated  on  or  clustered  around  a  central  point  or 
  purpose  [syn:  {centered},  {centred},  {focused}] 

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