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more about diaphanous


  2  definitions  found 
  From  Webster's  Revised  Unabridged  Dictionary  (1913)  [web1913]: 
  Diaphanous  \Di*aph"a*nous\,  a.  [Gr.  ?,  fr  ?  to  show  or  shine 
  through  dia`  through  +  ?  to  show  and  in  the  passive,  to 
  shine:  cf  F.  diaphane.  See  {Phantom},  and  cf  {Diaphane}, 
  Allowing  light  to  pass  through  as  porcelain;  translucent  or 
  transparent;  pellucid;  clear. 
  Another  cloud  in  the  region  of  them  light  enough  to  be 
  fantastic  and  diaphanous.  --Landor. 
  From  WordNet  r  1.6  [wn]: 
  adj  :  so  thin  as  to  transmit  light;  "a  hat  with  a  diaphanous 
  veil";  "filmy  wings  of  a  moth";  "gauzy  clouds  of 
  dandelion  down";  "gossamer  cobwebs";  "sheer  silk 
  stockings";  "transparent  chiffon";  "vaporous  silks" 
  [syn:  {filmy},  {gauzy},  {gossamer},  {see-through},  {sheer}, 
  {transparent},  {vaporous},  {cobwebby}] 

more about diaphanous