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  3  definitions  found 
  From  Webster's  Revised  Unabridged  Dictionary  (1913)  [web1913]: 
  Dupe  \Dupe\,  v.  t.  [imp.  &  p.  p.  {Duped};  p.  pr  &  vb  n. 
  {Duping}.]  [Cf.  F.  duper,  fr  dupe.  See  {Dupe},  n.] 
  To  deceive;  to  trick;  to  mislead  by  imposing  on  one's 
  credulity;  to  gull;  as  dupe  one  by  flattery. 
  Ne'er  have  I  duped  him  with  base  counterfeits.  -- 
  From  Webster's  Revised  Unabridged  Dictionary  (1913)  [web1913]: 
  Dupe  \Dupe\,  n.  [F.,  prob.  from  Prov.  F.  dupe,  dube;  of  unknown 
  origin;  equiv.  to  F.  huppe  hoopoe,  a  foolish  bird,  easily 
  caught.  Cf  Armor.  houp['e]rik  hoopoe,  a  man  easily  deceived. 
  Cf  also  {Gull},  {Booby}.] 
  One  who  has  been  deceived  or  who  is  easily  deceived;  a  gull; 
  as  the  dupe  of  a  schemer. 
  From  WordNet  r  1.6  [wn]: 
  n  :  a  person  who  is  tricked  or  swindled  [syn:  {victim}] 
  v  1:  fool  or  hoax;  "The  immigrant  was  duped  because  he  trusted 
  everyone";  "You  can't  fool  me!"  [syn:  {gull},  {slang},  {befool}, 
  {cod},  {fool},  {put  on},  {take  in},  {put  one  over},  {put 
  one  across}] 
  2:  make  a  fool  or  dupe  of  [syn:  {fool},  {gull},  {befool}] 

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