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fest definition
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Grep of noun fest fester festering festination festival festival of lights festivity festoon festoonery festuca festuca elatior festuca ovina gabfest manifest slugfest Overview of adj f The adj f has 1 sense (no senses from tagged texts) 1. fahrenheit, Fahr, f -- (of a temperature scale that registers the freezing point of water as 32 degrees F and the boiling point as 212 degrees F at one atmosphere of pressure; "the Fahrenheit scale") Antonyms of adj f 1 sense of f Sense 1 fahrenheit (vs. celsius), Fahr, f Similarity of adj f 1 sense of f Sense 1 fahrenheit (vs. celsius), Fahr, f Attributes of adj f Familiarity of adj f f used as an adjective is very rare (polysemy count = 1) Grep of adj fest festal festering festive manifest Grep of adj f a couple of abreast of admitting of all of allowing of aloof barren of bereft of better off bluff bombproof brief brimful of brimfull of broadleaf buff bulletproof burglarproof caitiff cast-off chief connotative of creaseproof cut off deaf demonstrative of deprived of destitute of devoid of distaff do-it-yourself dwarf empty of f f. fab fabian fabled fabricated fabulous face-saving face-to-face faced faceless faceted facetious facial facile facilitated facilitative facilitatory fact-finding factious factitious factorial factory-made factual facultative faddish faddy faded fading faecal faerie faery fagged fahr fahrenheit fail-safe failed failing fain faineant faint fainthearted fair fair-and-square fair-haired fair-minded fair to middling fairish fairy faithful faithless fake falcate falciform falconine fallacious fallen fallible falling fallow false falsetto falsifiable falstaffian faltering famed familial familiar familiar with familiarised familiarising familiarized familiarizing famished famous fanatic fanatical fancied fancied up fanciful fancy fancy-free fanged fanlike fanned fantabulous fantastic fantastical far far-famed far-flung far-off far-out far-reaching far-right far left faraway farcical farewell farfetched farinaceous farm farming farseeing farsighted farther farthermost farthest fascinated fascinating fascist fascistic fashionable fashioned fast fast-flying fast-growing fast asleep fastened fastidious fastigiate fat fat-free fatal fatalist fatalistic fated fateful fatheaded fatherless fatherlike fatherly fathomable fathomless fatigued fatless fattened fattening fattish fatty fatuous faucal faultfinding faultless faulty faustian faux faveolate favorable favored favoring favorite favourable favourite fawning fazed fearful fearless fearsome feasible featherbrained feathered featheredged featherless featherlike featherweight feathery featured featureless febrile fecal feckless feculent fecund fed up federal federate federated feeble feebleminded feigned feisty felicitous feline fell felled fellow felonious felt felted female feminine feminist femoral fenced in fenestral feral ferial fermentable fermented ferned fernless fernlike ferny ferocious ferric ferromagnetic ferrous fertile fertilised fertilizable fertilized fervent fervid festal festering festive fetal fetching fetid fettered feudal feudalist feudalistic feudatory fevered feverish feverous few fewer fewest fey fiber-optic fiberoptic fibre-optic fibreoptic fibrillose fibrinous fibrocalcific fibrocartilaginous fibrous fickle fictile fictional fictitious fictive fiddle-shaped fiddling fidgety fiducial fiduciary fiendish fierce fiery fifteen fifteenth fifth fiftieth fifty fifty-eight fifty-fifth fifty-fifty fifty-five fifty-four fifty-nine fifty-one fifty-seven fifty-six fifty-three fifty-two fighting figural figurative figured fijian filamentlike filamentous filar filarial filariid filial filiform filipino filled filmable filmed filmy filter-tipped filthy fimbriate finable final financed financial fine fine-grained fine-looking fine-tooth fine-toothed fineable fined finer finespun finest fingered fingerless fingerlike finical finicky finished finite finnish finno-ugric-speaking fir for fire-resistant fire-resisting fire-resistive fire-retardant fired fireproof firm firmamental first first-class first-come-first-serve first-rate first-string first-year firstborn firsthand fiscal fisheye fishlike fishy fissile fissionable fissiparous fistular fistulate fistulous fit fit to fitful fitted out fitter fitting five five-hundredth five hundred fivefold fivepenny fixable fixed fixed up fizzing fizzy flabbergasted flabby flaccid flag-waving flagellate flagellated flagging flagitious flagrant flailing flakey flaky flamboyant flame-retardant flameproof flaming flammable flared flaring flash flash-frozen flashing flashy flat flat-bellied flat-bottom flat-bottomed flat-footed flat-top flat-topped flattened flattering flatulent flatus-relieving flaunty flavored flavorful flavorless flavorous flavorsome flavoured flavourful flavourless flavourous flavoursome flawed flawless flaxen flea-bitten flecked fledged fledgeless fledgeling fledgling fleeceable fleecy fleeing fleet fleeting flemish flemish-speaking flesh-eating fleshed out fleshly fleshy flexible flexile flexuous flickering flighted flightless flighty flimsy flinty flip flippant flirtatious flittering floating floaty floccose flocculent flooded flooding floodlighted floodlit floored floppy floral florentine floricultural florid flossy flourishing floury flowered flowering flowerless flowerlike flowery flowing fluctuating fluent fluffy fluid flukey fluky fluorescent flush flush-seamed flushed flustered fluttering fluvial fly fly-by-night flyaway flyblown flying flyweight foaled foaming foamy focal focused focussed foetal foetid fogbound fogged foggy fogyish foiled fold foldable foldaway folded folded-up folding foliaceous foliaged foliate foliated foliolate foliose folk folksy follicular following fond foodless fool foolhardy fooling foolish foolproof footed footless footling footloose footsore footsure foppish for sale for sure forbearing forbidden forbidding forced forceful forceless forcible forcipate fordable fore fore-and-aft foreboding foregoing foregone forehand forehanded foreign foreign-born foremost forensic foreordained foreseeable foreseen foreshadowing foresighted foresightful forested forethoughtful foretold forfeit forfeited forged forgetful forgettable forgivable forgiving forgotten forked forlorn form-only formable formal formalised formalistic formalized formative formed former formic formidable formless formosan formulaic formulated forsaken forte fortemente forthcoming forthright fortieth fortified fortifying fortissimo fortnightly fortuitous fortunate forty forty-eight forty-eighth forty-fifth forty-first forty-five forty-four forty-fourth forty-nine forty-ninth forty-one forty-second forty-seven forty-seventh forty-six forty-sixth forty-third forty-three forty-two forward forward-looking forward-moving fossil fossiliferous fossilised fossilized fossorial foster fostered foul foul-mouthed foul-smelling foul-spoken fouled found founded four four-dimensional four-footed four-hundredth four-lane four-party four-ply four-sided four-wheel four-wheeled four hundred fourfold fourhanded fourpenny fourscore foursquare fourteen fourteenth fourth fourth-year foxy fractional fractious fractured fragile fragmental fragmentary fragmented fragrant frail framed franciscan frangible frank frankish frantic fraternal fraudulent fraught frayed freakish freaky freckled free free-and-easy free-enterprise free-living free-range free-soil free-spoken free-swimming free-thinking free burning free of freeborn freed freehand freehanded freehearted freeing freelance freestanding freewheeling freewill freeze-dried freezing french french-speaking frenetic frenzied frequent fresh fresh-cut freshman freshwater fretful fretted freudian friable fricative frictional frictionless fried friendless friendly frightened frightening frightful frigid frigorific frilled frilly fringe fringed fringy frisky frivolous frizzly frizzy frolicky frolicsome front frontal frontier frontmost frore frost-bound frostbitten frosted frostian frosty frothing frothy froward frowning frowsty frowsy frowzled frowzy frozen frugal fruit-eating fruitful fruiting fruitless fruity frumpish frumpy frustrated frustrating frustrative fruticose fruticulose fucked-up fucking fuddled fueled fugacious fugal fuggy fugitive fulfilled fulgent fulgid fulgurant fulgurating fulgurous full full-blooded full-blown full-bodied full-bosomed full-clad full-dress full-face full-fashioned full-fledged full-grown full-length full-page full-scale full-size full-strength full-term full-time full of life fully fashioned fully fledged fully grown fulminant fulsome fumbling fumed fun functional functionally illiterate functioning fundamental fundamentalist fundamentalistic funded funerary funereal fungal fungible fungicidal fungoid fungous funguslike funicular funky funny furious furled furlike furnished furnished with furred furrowed furry further furthermost furthest furtive fuscous fused fusible fusiform fussy fusty futile future future day futureless futurist futuristic fuzzed fuzzy greaseproof gruff half impatient of in-chief in awe of in terms of in the buff indicative of innocent of intolerant of ladder-proof laid-off leakproof lief lightproof looseleaf lopped off made use of mothproof naif neglectful of off off-the-cuff off-the-shelf partitioned off patient of permitting of powder-puff profoundly deaf proof proud of puff rainproof redolent of reminiscent of runproof rustproof sawed-off sealed off self shatterproof shellproof sick of snuff soundproof splinterproof stiff stone-deaf stormproof suggestive of symptomatic of tapering off tired of tone-deaf tref uncharacteristic of under the thumb of undeserving of undreamed of undreamt of unheard-of unthought-of unworthy of void of waterproof weatherproof well-off well-thought-of wrinkleproof Overview of adj f The adj f has 1 sense (no senses from tagged texts) 1. fahrenheit, Fahr, f -- (of a temperature scale that registers the freezing point of water as 32 degrees F and the boiling point as 212 degrees F at one atmosphere of pressure; "the Fahrenheit scale")
fest definition