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  2  definitions  found 
  From  Jargon  File  (4.2.3,  23  NOV  2000)  [jargon]: 
  hexit  /hek'sit/  n.  A  hexadecimal  digit  (0-9,  and  A-F  or  a-f). 
  Used  by  people  who  claim  that  there  are  only  _ten_  digits,  dammit 
  sixteen-fingered  human  beings  are  rather  rare  despite  what  some  keyboard 
  designs  might  seem  to  imply  (see  {space-cadet  keyboard}). 
  From  The  Free  On-line  Dictionary  of  Computing  (13  Mar  01)  [foldoc]: 
    /hek'sit/  A  {hexadecimal}  digit  (0-9,  and  A-F  or 
  a-f).  Used  by  people  who  claim  that  there  are  only  *ten* 
  digits,  sixteen-fingered  human  beings  being  rather  rare 
  despite  what  some  keyboard  designs  might  seem  to  imply  (see 
  {space-cadet  keyboard}). 
  [{Jargon  File}] 