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impressions definition


  Grep  of  noun  impression 
  sense  impression 
  Overview  of  noun  impression 
  The  noun  impression  has  9  senses  (first  3  from  tagged  texts) 
  1.  (14)  impression,  feeling,  belief,  notion,  opinion  --  (a  vague  idea  in  which  some  confidence  is  placed;  "his  impression  of  her  was  favorable";  "what  are  your  feelings  about  the  crisis?";  "it  strengthened  my  belief  in  his  sincerity";  "I  had  a  feeling  that  she  was  lying") 
  2.  (6)  impression,  effect  --  (an  outward  appearance;  "he  made  a  good  impression";  "I  wanted  to  create  an  impression  of  success";  "she  retained  that  bold  effect  in  her  reproductions  of  the  original  painting") 
  3.  (1)  mental  picture,  picture,  impression  --  (a  clear  and  telling  mental  image;  "he  described  his  mental  picture  of  his  assailant";  "he  had  no  clear  picture  of  himself  or  his  world";  "the  events  left  a  permanent  impression  in  his  mind") 
  4.  depression,  impression,  imprint  --  (a  concavity  in  a  surface  produced  by  pressing;  "he  left  the  impression  of  his  fingers  in  the  soft  mud") 
  5.  stamp,  impression  --  (a  symbol  that  is  the  result  of  printing;  "he  put  his  stamp  on  the  envelope") 
  6.  impression,  printing  --  (all  the  copies  of  a  work  printed  at  one  time;  "they  ran  off  an  initial  printing  of  2000  copies") 
  7.  impression  --  ((dentistry)  an  imprint  of  the  teeth  and  gums  in  wax  or  plaster;  "the  dentist  made  an  impression  for  use  in  preparing  an  inlay") 
  8.  impression  --  (an  impressionistic  portrayal  of  a  person;  "he  did  a  funny  impression  of  a  politician") 
  9.  impression  --  (the  act  of  pressing  one  thing  on  or  into  the  surface  of  another;  "he  watched  the  impression  of  the  seal  on  the  hot  wax") 
  Overview  of  noun  impression 
  The  noun  impression  has  9  senses  (first  3  from  tagged  texts) 
  1.  (14)  impression,  feeling,  belief,  notion,  opinion  --  (a  vague  idea  in  which  some  confidence  is  placed;  "his  impression  of  her  was  favorable";  "what  are  your  feelings  about  the  crisis?";  "it  strengthened  my  belief  in  his  sincerity";  "I  had  a  feeling  that  she  was  lying") 
  2.  (6)  impression,  effect  --  (an  outward  appearance;  "he  made  a  good  impression";  "I  wanted  to  create  an  impression  of  success";  "she  retained  that  bold  effect  in  her  reproductions  of  the  original  painting") 
  3.  (1)  mental  picture,  picture,  impression  --  (a  clear  and  telling  mental  image;  "he  described  his  mental  picture  of  his  assailant";  "he  had  no  clear  picture  of  himself  or  his  world";  "the  events  left  a  permanent  impression  in  his  mind") 
  4.  depression,  impression,  imprint  --  (a  concavity  in  a  surface  produced  by  pressing;  "he  left  the  impression  of  his  fingers  in  the  soft  mud") 
  5.  stamp,  impression  --  (a  symbol  that  is  the  result  of  printing;  "he  put  his  stamp  on  the  envelope") 
  6.  impression,  printing  --  (all  the  copies  of  a  work  printed  at  one  time;  "they  ran  off  an  initial  printing  of  2000  copies") 
  7.  impression  --  ((dentistry)  an  imprint  of  the  teeth  and  gums  in  wax  or  plaster;  "the  dentist  made  an  impression  for  use  in  preparing  an  inlay") 
  8.  impression  --  (an  impressionistic  portrayal  of  a  person;  "he  did  a  funny  impression  of  a  politician") 
  9.  impression  --  (the  act  of  pressing  one  thing  on  or  into  the  surface  of  another;  "he  watched  the  impression  of  the  seal  on  the  hot  wax") 

impressions definition