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more about kerchiefs


  1  definition  found 
  From  Webster's  Revised  Unabridged  Dictionary  (1913)  [web1913]: 
  Kerchief  \Ker"chief\,  n.;  pl  {Kerchiefs}.  [OE.  coverchef,  OF 
  cuevrechief  couvrechef  F.  couvrechef  a  head  covering,  fr 
  couvrir  to  cover  +  OF  chief  head,  F.  chef.  See  {Cover}, 
  {Chief},  and  cf  {Curfew}.] 
  1.  A  square  of  fine  linen  worn  by  women  as  a  covering  for  the 
  head;  hence  anything  similar  in  form  or  material,  worn 
  for  ornament  on  other  parts  of  the  person;  --  mostly  used 
  in  compounds;  as  neckerchief;  breastkerchief  and  later 
  He  might  put  on  a  hat,  a  muffler,  and  a  kerchief, 
  and  so  escape.  --Shak. 
  Her  black  hair  strained  away  To  a  scarlet  kerchief 
  caught  beneath  her  chin.  --Mrs. 
  2.  A  lady  who  wears  a  kerchief.  --Dryden. 

more about kerchiefs