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mealiermore about mealier


  1  definition  found 
  From  Webster's  Revised  Unabridged  Dictionary  (1913)  [web1913]: 
  Mealy  \Meal"y\,  a.  [Compar.  {Mealier};  superl.  {Mealiest}.] 
  1.  Having  the  qualities  of  meal;  resembling  meal;  soft,  dry, 
  and  friable;  easily  reduced  to  a  condition  resembling 
  meal;  as  a  mealy  potato. 
  2.  Overspread  with  something  that  resembles  meal;  as  the 
  mealy  wings  of  an  insect.  --Shak. 
  {Mealy  bug}  (Zo["o]l.),  a  scale  insect  ({Coccus  adonidum}, 
  and  related  species),  covered  with  a  white  powderlike 
  substance.  It  is  a  common  pest  in  hothouses. 

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