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  1  definition  found 
  From  Webster's  Revised  Unabridged  Dictionary  (1913)  [web1913]: 
  Metacenter  \Met`a*cen"ter\or  -tre  \-tre\,  n.  [Pref.  meta-  + 
  center.]  (Hydrostatics) 
  The  point  of  intersection  of  a  vertical  line  through  the 
  center  of  gravity  of  the  fluid  displaced  by  a  floating  body 
  which  is  tipped  through  a  small  angle  from  its  position  of 
  equilibrium,  and  the  inclined  line  which  was  vertical  through 
  the  center  of  gravity  of  the  body  when  in  equilibrium. 
  Note:  When  the  metacenter  is  above  the  center  of  gravity,  the 
  position  of  the  body  is  stable;  when  below  it 