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orbicularmore about orbicular


  2  definitions  found 
  From  Webster's  Revised  Unabridged  Dictionary  (1913)  [web1913]: 
  Orbicular  \Or*bic"u*lar\,  a.  [L.  orbicularis  fr  orbiculus 
  dim.  of  orbis  orb:  cf  F.  orbiculaire.] 
  Resembling  or  having  the  form  of  an  orb;  spherical;  circular; 
  orbiculate.  --  {Or*bic"u*lar*ly},  adv  -- 
  {Or*bic"u*lar*ness},  n. 
  Orbicular  as  the  disk  of  a  planet.  --De  Quincey. 
  From  WordNet  r  1.6  [wn]: 
  adj  1:  circular  or  nearly  circular  [syn:  {orbiculate}] 
  2:  having  the  shape  of  a  sphere  or  ball;  "a  spherical  object"; 
  "nearly  orbicular  in  shape";  "little  globular  houses  like 
  mud-wasp  nests"-  Zane  Grey  [syn:  {ball-shaped},  {global}, 
  {globose},  {globular},  {spheric},  {spherical}] 

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