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presentativemore about presentative


  1  definition  found 
  From  Webster's  Revised  Unabridged  Dictionary  (1913)  [web1913]: 
  Presentative  \Pre*sent"a*tive\,  a. 
  1.  (Eccl.)  Having  the  right  of  presentation,  or  offering  a 
  clergyman  to  the  bishop  for  institution;  as  advowsons  are 
  presentative,  collative,  or  donative.  --Blackstone. 
  2.  Admitting  the  presentation  of  a  clergyman;  as  a 
  presentative  parsonage.  --Spelman. 
  3.  (Metaph.)  Capable  of  being  directly  known  by  or  presented 
  to  the  mind;  intuitive;  directly  apprehensible,  as 
  objects;  capable  of  apprehending,  as  faculties. 
  The  latter  term,  presentative  faculty,  I  use  .  .  . 
  in  contrast  and  correlation  to  a  ``representative 
  faculty.''  --Sir  W. 

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