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  1  definition  found 
  From  Webster's  Revised  Unabridged  Dictionary  (1913)  [web1913]: 
  Proleptic  \Pro*lep"tic\,  Proleptical  \Pro*lep"tic*al\,  a.  [Gr. 
  ?:  cf  F.  proleptique.] 
  1.  Of  or  pertaining  to  prolepsis;  anticipative.  ``A 
  far-seeing  or  proleptic  wisdom.''  --De  Quincey. 
  2.  Previous;  antecedent.  --Glanvill. 
  3.  (Med.)  Anticipating  the  usual  time;  --  applied  to  a 
  periodical  disease  whose  paroxysms  return  at  an  earlier 
  hour  at  every  repetition.