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  1  definition  found 
  From  Webster's  Revised  Unabridged  Dictionary  (1913)  [web1913]: 
  Quesal  \Que*sal"\,  n.  (Zo["o]l.) 
  The  long-tailed,  or  resplendent,  trogon  ({Pharomachus 
  mocinno},  formerly  {Trogon  resplendens}),  native  of  Southern 
  Mexico  and  Central  America.  Called  also  {quetzal},  and 
  {golden  trogon}. 
  Note:  The  male  is  remarkable  for  the  brilliant  metallic  green 
  and  gold  colors  of  his  plumage,  and  for  his  extremely 
  long  plumes,  which  often  exceed  three  feet  in  length.