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Overview of adj red The adj red has 6 senses (first 5 from tagged texts) 1. (43) red, reddish, ruddy, blood-red, carmine, cerise, cherry, cherry-red, crimson, ruby, ruby-red, scarlet -- (having any of numerous bright or strong colors reminiscent of the color of blood or cherries or tomatoes or rubies) 2. (8) red, reddish -- ((used of hair or fur) of a reddish brown color; "red deer"; reddish hair") 3. (8) crimson, red, violent -- (characterized by violence or bloodshed; "writes of crimson deeds and barbaric days"- Andrea Parke; "fann'd by Conquest's crimson wing"- Thomas Gray; "convulsed with red rage"- Hudson Strode) 4. (7) aflame, crimson, red, reddened, red-faced, flushed -- ((especially of the face) reddened or suffused with or as if with blood from emotion or exertion; "crimson with fury"; "turned red from exertion"; "with puffy reddened eyes"; "red-faced and violent"; "flushed (or crimson) with embarrassment") 5. (3) red -- (red with or characterized by blood; "waving our red weapons o'er our heads"- Shakespeare; "The Red Badge of Courage"; "the red rules of tooth and claw"- P.B.Sears) 6. red -- ((of wine) deep reddish in color; "a red wine such as a claret or burgundy"; "a pinot noir is a red burgundy") Antonyms of adj red 6 senses of red Sense 1 red, reddish, ruddy, blood-red, carmine, cerise, cherry, cherry-red, crimson, ruby, ruby-red, scarlet INDIRECT (VIA chromatic) -> achromatic Sense 2 red, reddish INDIRECT (VIA colored) -> uncolored, uncoloured Sense 3 crimson, red, violent INDIRECT (VIA bloody) -> bloodless Sense 4 aflame(prenominal), crimson, red, reddened, red-faced, flushed INDIRECT (VIA colored) -> uncolored, uncoloured Sense 5 red INDIRECT (VIA bloody) -> bloodless Sense 6 red (vs. white) white (vs. red) Similarity of adj red 6 senses of red Sense 1 red, reddish, ruddy, blood-red, carmine, cerise, cherry, cherry-red, crimson, ruby, ruby-red, scarlet => chromatic (vs. achromatic) Sense 2 red, reddish => colored (vs. uncolored), coloured, in color(prenominal), colorful Sense 3 crimson, red, violent => bloody (vs. bloodless) Sense 4 aflame(prenominal), crimson, red, reddened, red-faced, flushed => colored (vs. uncolored), coloured, in color(prenominal), colorful Sense 5 red => bloody (vs. bloodless) Sense 6 red (vs. white) Attributes of adj red Familiarity of adj red red used as an adjective is common (polysemy count = 6) Grep of adj red a hundred accoutered accoutred acquired admired adored afeared aired all-fired alligatored altered angered antlered armored armoured assured attired back-geared bad-tempered bared barred battered battery-powered battle-scarred beplastered besmeared bespattered bewhiskered bewildered bicolored bicoloured big-shouldered bimotored bistered bistred black-haired blistered blood-red blurred bone-covered bordered bored bothered bouldered broad-shouldered brown-haired brownish-red burred butterfingered calendered cata-cornered cater-cornered catty-cornered censored censured centered centred chambered chartered checkered chequered cherry-red chinese-red city-bred cleared cloistered cloud-covered clustered cluttered colored coloured conferred configured conquered considered copper colored cornered country-bred covered crossbred cultured cured dark-haired deciphered declared deferred denatured desired devoured discolored discoloured discovered disfigured dishonored disordered dog-eared double-geared dowered dust-covered eared embowered embroidered empowered enamored encumbered endangered enraptured enured even-tempered expired fair-haired favored feathered featured fettered fevered figured fingered fired five hundred flared flavored flavoured floored flowered flustered fostered four hundred fractured furred gathered geared good-humored good-humoured good-natured good-tempered grass-covered gray-haired grey-haired haired half-bred half-timbered hammered hearing-impaired high-powered hired home-cured honored honoured hot-tempered hot and bothered human-centered hundred hunkered ignored ill-bred ill-considered ill-favored ill-favoured ill-humored ill-humoured ill-mannered ill-natured ill-starred ill-tempered impaired inbred indentured infrared injured inspired insured interbred interred inured ivy-covered jiggered kindred kitty-cornered labored laboured layered leathered leisured lettered light-colored light-fingered light-haired lightly armored lightly armoured lily-livered littered long-haired lop-eared louvered low-powered lowbred lowered mannered manufactured marred mastered matured measured mild-mannered mired mirrored moldered motored mouldered mouse-colored mud-beplastered multicolored multicoloured murdered neutered nimble-fingered nonflavored nonflavoured off-centered oil-fired one-eared one hundred open-collared ordered outbred overpowered paired pampered particolored particoloured pestered pictured pillared plastered plundered powdered powered preferred prepared puckered punctured purebred quick-eared quick-tempered raftered reassured recovered red red-blind red-blooded red-coated red-faced red-handed red-hot red-rimmed reddened reddish reddish-brown redeemable redeemed redeeming redemptional redemptive redemptory redheaded redistributed redolent redolent of redoubled redoubtable reduced reducible reductionist reductive redundant redux registered remembered repaired required restored retired revered rose-colored rose-red rough-textured round-shouldered ruby-red rumored ruptured sacred salt-cured scared scarred scattered sceptered sceptred scoured sculptured seared secured self-assured self-centered self-centred self-colored self-coloured self-whispered sequestered severed shared sharp-cornered sharp-eared shattered sheared sheltered short-tempered shouldered shuttered sintered slippered slurred smeared smoke-cured smothered snow-covered soured spattered splattered splintered squandered square-shouldered squared starred steam-powered stirred stoppered stored structured sugared surrendered tailored tapered tarred-and-feathered tattered telemetered tempered tenured tethered textured thoroughbred three-cornered three hundred tiered timbered time-honored time-honoured tired tonsured tortured treasured trimotored trousered tutored two-chambered two-eared two hundred unaired unaltered unanswered unarmored unarmoured unassured unattired unbarred unbordered uncensored unchartered uncleared uncluttered uncolored uncoloured unconquered unconsidered uncovered uncultured uncured undeciphered undeclared underbred undesired undeterred undiscovered unencumbered unexpired unexplored unfeathered unfettered unflavored unflavoured unflustered unfractured ungathered ungeared unhampered unhindered unimpaired uninjured uninspired uninsured unlettered unlittered unmannered unmarred unmeasured unnumbered unordered unpaired unpictured unpillared unpowered unprepared unregistered unrepaired unrestored unsecured unshared unsheared unshuttered unsoured unstarred unstirred unstoppered unstructured unsugared untempered untethered untimbered untired untutored unuttered unweathered uttered varicolored varicoloured visored visually impaired watered weathered well-bred well-favored well-favoured well-mannered well-ordered whiskered whispered white-haired white-livered wire-haired wired withered Overview of adj red The adj red has 6 senses (first 5 from tagged texts) 1. (43) red, reddish, ruddy, blood-red, carmine, cerise, cherry, cherry-red, crimson, ruby, ruby-red, scarlet -- (having any of numerous bright or strong colors reminiscent of the color of blood or cherries or tomatoes or rubies) 2. (8) red, reddish -- ((used of hair or fur) of a reddish brown color; "red deer"; reddish hair") 3. (8) crimson, red, violent -- (characterized by violence or bloodshed; "writes of crimson deeds and barbaric days"- Andrea Parke; "fann'd by Conquest's crimson wing"- Thomas Gray; "convulsed with red rage"- Hudson Strode) 4. (7) aflame, crimson, red, reddened, red-faced, flushed -- ((especially of the face) reddened or suffused with or as if with blood from emotion or exertion; "crimson with fury"; "turned red from exertion"; "with puffy reddened eyes"; "red-faced and violent"; "flushed (or crimson) with embarrassment") 5. (3) red -- (red with or characterized by blood; "waving our red weapons o'er our heads"- Shakespeare; "The Red Badge of Courage"; "the red rules of tooth and claw"- P.B.Sears) 6. red -- ((of wine) deep reddish in color; "a red wine such as a claret or burgundy"; "a pinot noir is a red burgundy")
reddest definition