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reservedlymore about reservedly


  2  definitions  found 
  From  Webster's  Revised  Unabridged  Dictionary  (1913)  [web1913]: 
  Reserved  \Re*served"\  (-z?rvd"),  a. 
  1.  Kept  for  future  or  special  use  or  for  an  exigency;  as 
  reserved  troops;  a  reserved  seat  in  a  theater. 
  2.  Restrained  from  freedom  in  words  or  actions;  backward,  or 
  cautious,  in  communicating  one's  thoughts  and  feelings; 
  not  free  or  frank. 
  To  all  obliging,  yet  reserved  to  all  --Walsh. 
  Nothing  reserved  or  sullen  was  to  see  --Dryden. 
  --  {Re*serv"ed*ly}  (r?-z?rv"?d-l?),  adv  -- 
  {Re*serv"ed*ness},  n. 
  From  WordNet  r  1.6  [wn]: 
  adv  :  with  reserve;  in  a  reserved  manner 

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