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  1  definition  found 
  From  Webster's  Revised  Unabridged  Dictionary  (1913)  [web1913]: 
  Rotative  \Ro"ta*tive\,  a.  [Cf.  F.  rotatif.] 
  turning,  as  a  wheel;  rotary;  rotational. 
  This  high  rotative  velocity  of  the  sun  must  cause  an 
  equatorial  rise  of  the  solar  atmosphere.  --Siemens. 
  {Rotative  engine},  a  steam  engine  in  which  the  reciprocating 
  motion  of  the  piston  is  transformed  into  a  continuous 
  rotary  motion,  as  by  means  of  a  connecting  rod,  a  working 
  beam  and  crank,  or  an  oscillating  cylinder.