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separates separates definition


  Troponyms  (hyponyms)  of  verb  separate 
  12  of  13  senses  of  separate 
  Sense  2 
  separate,  disunite,  divide,  part 
  =>  compartmentalize,  compartmentalise,  cut  up 
  =>  polarize,  polarise 
  =>  sequester,  sequestrate,  keep  apart,  set  apart,  isolate 
  =>  disjoin,  disjoint 
  =>  disjoint,  disarticulate 
  =>  disconnect 
  =>  cut 
  =>  tear 
  =>  gin 
  =>  break 
  =>  sever,  break  up 
  =>  tear,  rupture,  snap,  bust 
  Sense  3 
  distinguish,  separate,  differentiate,  secern,  secernate,  severalize,  tell  tell  apart 
  =>  know 
  =>  discriminate,  know  apart 
  =>  label 
  =>  label 
  =>  sex 
  =>  individualize,  individualise 
  =>  contrast 
  =>  severalize 
  =>  contradistinguish 
  =>  dissociate 
  =>  demarcate 
  =>  discriminate,  separate,  single  out 
  =>  stratify 
  Sense  4 
  divide,  split,  split  up  separate,  dissever,  carve  up 
  =>  format,  initialize,  initialise 
  =>  triangulate 
  =>  break 
  =>  unitize,  unitise 
  =>  lot 
  =>  parcel 
  =>  sliver,  splinter 
  =>  paragraph 
  =>  canton 
  =>  balkanize 
  Sense  5 
  separate,  divide,  part 
  =>  polarize,  polarise 
  =>  calve,  break  up 
  =>  chip,  chip  off  come  off  break  away  break  off 
  =>  disjoin,  disjoint 
  =>  detach,  come  off  come  away 
  =>  reduce 
  =>  segment,  section 
  =>  partition,  partition  off 
  =>  dismember,  take  apart 
  =>  gerrymander 
  Sense  6 
  =>  decompose,  break  up  break  down 
  =>  dialyse,  dialyze 
  =>  peptize,  peptise 
  =>  tease,  card 
  =>  winnow 
  =>  filter,  filtrate,  strain,  separate  out  filter  out 
  =>  extract 
  =>  fractionate 
  =>  fractionate 
  =>  sift,  sieve,  strain 
  =>  wash 
  =>  avulse 
  Sense  7 
  classify,  class,  sort,  assort,  sort  out  separate 
  =>  unitize,  unitise 
  =>  catalogue,  catalog 
  =>  refer 
  =>  reclassify 
  =>  size 
  =>  dichotomize 
  =>  pigeonhole,  stereotype,  stamp 
  =>  group 
  =>  grade 
  =>  count  number 
  Sense  8 
  break,  separate,  split  up  fall  apart,  come  apart 
  =>  burst,  split,  break  open 
  =>  puncture 
  =>  burst,  bust 
  =>  ladder,  run 
  =>  snap,  crack 
  =>  break  up  fragment,  fragmentize,  fragmentise 
  =>  crush 
  Sense  9 
  separate,  divide 
  =>  partition,  subdivide,  zone 
  =>  break 
  =>  disperse,  dissipate,  dispel,  break  up  scatter 
  =>  rail,  rail  off 
  =>  detach 
  =>  shut  off  close  off 
  Sense  10 
  separate,  part  split  up  split,  break,  break  up 
  =>  disunify,  break  apart 
  =>  disassociate,  dissociate,  divorce,  disunite,  disjoint 
  =>  break  with 
  =>  divorce,  split  up 
  =>  secede,  splinter,  break  away 
  =>  break,  break  away 
  Sense  11 
  separate,  part  split 
  =>  disperse,  dissipate,  scatter,  spread  out 
  =>  break  up 
  =>  diffract 
  Sense  12 
  discriminate,  separate,  single  out 
  =>  isolate,  insulate 
  =>  segregate 
  =>  redline 
  =>  disadvantage,  disfavor,  disfavour 
  Sense  13 
  branch,  ramify,  fork,  separate 
  =>  arborize,  arborise 
  =>  twig 
  =>  bifurcate 
  Troponyms  (hyponyms)  of  verb  separate 
  12  of  13  senses  of  separate 
  Sense  2 
  separate,  disunite,  divide,  part 
  =>  compartmentalize,  compartmentalise,  cut  up 
  =>  polarize,  polarise 
  =>  sequester,  sequestrate,  keep  apart,  set  apart,  isolate 
  =>  disjoin,  disjoint 
  =>  disjoint,  disarticulate 
  =>  disconnect 
  =>  uncouple 
  =>  detach 
  =>  break,  break  off  snap  off 
  =>  unbind 
  =>  unhook 
  =>  cut 
  =>  manicure,  trim 
  =>  scissor 
  =>  plane,  shave 
  =>  slice,  slice  up 
  =>  pink 
  =>  jag 
  =>  carve,  cut  up 
  =>  shave 
  =>  fillet,  filet 
  =>  chisel 
  =>  engrave,  grave,  inscribe 
  =>  character 
  =>  carve 
  =>  hew,  hew  out 
  =>  rough-hew,  roughcast 
  =>  sculpt,  sculpture,  grave 
  =>  fret 
  =>  honeycomb 
  =>  carve,  chip  at 
  =>  cube,  dice 
  =>  julienne 
  =>  chop,  hack 
  =>  axe,  ax 
  =>  undercut 
  =>  hack 
  =>  chop,  chop  up 
  =>  hash 
  =>  mince 
  =>  fell,  drop,  strike  down  cut  down 
  =>  chop  down 
  =>  poleax,  poleaxe 
  =>  log  lumber 
  =>  cut 
  =>  nick,  chip 
  =>  nick,  snick 
  =>  chip,  knap,  cut  off  break  off 
  =>  pare,  trim 
  =>  circumcise 
  =>  furrow,  chamfer,  chase 
  =>  indent 
  =>  cut  out 
  =>  gouge  out 
  =>  die,  die  out 
  =>  mortise,  mortice 
  =>  mow,  cut  down 
  =>  scythe 
  =>  shear 
  =>  slash,  gash 
  =>  slash,  cut  down 
  =>  tap 
  =>  hob 
  =>  bore,  drill 
  =>  counter-drill 
  =>  trepan 
  =>  nip,  nip  off  clip,  snip,  snip  off 
  =>  dissect 
  =>  vivisect 
  =>  anatomize,  anatomise 
  =>  bisect 
  =>  trisect 
  =>  whittle,  pare 
  =>  chatter 
  =>  cut  away 
  =>  undercut 
  =>  undercut 
  =>  tomahawk 
  =>  sabre,  saber 
  =>  rebate,  cut  a  rebate  in 
  =>  rusticate 
  =>  cradle 
  =>  incise 
  =>  notch 
  =>  score,  nock,  mark 
  =>  scarify 
  =>  scotch 
  =>  scribe 
  =>  line 
  =>  hatch 
  =>  crisscross 
  =>  indent 
  =>  recess 
  =>  scratch,  scrape,  scratch  up 
  =>  claw 
  =>  clapperclaw 
  =>  scuff 
  =>  groove 
  =>  mill 
  =>  slit 
  =>  worry 
  =>  girdle,  deaden 
  =>  trench 
  =>  dock,  tail,  bob 
  =>  slit,  slice 
  =>  saw 
  =>  whipsaw 
  =>  sever,  lop 
  =>  chase 
  =>  bevel,  chamfer 
  =>  miter 
  =>  cone 
  =>  crosscut,  cut  across 
  =>  rip 
  =>  tear 
  =>  cleave,  split,  rive 
  =>  maul 
  =>  gin 
  =>  break 
  =>  sever,  break  up 
  =>  tear,  rupture,  snap,  bust 
  =>  lacerate 
  =>  rend,  rip,  rive,  pull 
  =>  shred,  tear  up  rip  up 
  =>  tease 
  Sense  3 
  distinguish,  separate,  differentiate,  secern,  secernate,  severalize,  tell  tell  apart 
  =>  know 
  =>  discriminate,  know  apart 
  =>  subtilize 
  =>  label 
  =>  label 
  =>  sex 
  =>  individualize,  individualise 
  =>  contrast 
  =>  severalize 
  =>  contradistinguish 
  =>  dissociate 
  =>  demarcate 
  =>  discriminate,  separate,  single  out 
  =>  isolate,  insulate 
  =>  ghettoize,  ghettoise 
  =>  cloister 
  =>  seclude,  sequester,  sequestrate,  withdraw 
  =>  quarantine 
  =>  maroon 
  =>  segregate 
  =>  redline 
  =>  disadvantage,  disfavor,  disfavour 
  =>  handicap,  hinder,  hamper 
  =>  prejudice 
  =>  stratify 
  Sense  4 
  divide,  split,  split  up  separate,  dissever,  carve  up 
  =>  format,  initialize,  initialise 
  =>  triangulate 
  =>  break 
  =>  unitize,  unitise 
  =>  lot 
  =>  parcel 
  =>  sliver,  splinter 
  =>  paragraph 
  =>  canton 
  =>  balkanize 
  Sense  5 
  separate,  divide,  part 
  =>  polarize,  polarise 
  =>  calve,  break  up 
  =>  chip,  chip  off  come  off  break  away  break  off 
  =>  peel  off  peel,  flake  off  flake 
  =>  exfoliate 
  =>  disjoin,  disjoint 
  =>  detach,  come  off  come  away 
  =>  blow  off 
  =>  cut  off  chop  off  lop  off 
  =>  abscise 
  =>  unsolder 
  =>  fall  off 
  =>  reduce 
  =>  segment,  section 
  =>  syllabify,  syllabicate,  syllabize 
  =>  quarter 
  =>  partition,  partition  off 
  =>  pound,  pound  off 
  =>  dismember,  take  apart 
  =>  gerrymander 
  Sense  6 
  =>  decompose,  break  up  break  down 
  =>  dissociate 
  =>  crack 
  =>  dialyse,  dialyze 
  =>  peptize,  peptise 
  =>  tease,  card 
  =>  winnow 
  =>  filter,  filtrate,  strain,  separate  out  filter  out 
  =>  extract 
  =>  fractionate 
  =>  fractionate 
  =>  sift,  sieve,  strain 
  =>  rice 
  =>  resift 
  =>  riddle,  screen 
  =>  winnow,  fan 
  =>  wash 
  =>  pan,  pan  out  pan  off 
  =>  avulse 
  Sense  7 
  classify,  class,  sort,  assort,  sort  out  separate 
  =>  unitize,  unitise 
  =>  catalogue,  catalog 
  =>  refer 
  =>  reclassify 
  =>  size 
  =>  dichotomize 
  =>  pigeonhole,  stereotype,  stamp 
  =>  group 
  =>  regroup 
  =>  bracket 
  =>  collocate,  lump,  chunk 
  =>  batch 
  =>  grade 
  =>  count  number 
  Sense  8 
  break,  separate,  split  up  fall  apart,  come  apart 
  =>  burst,  split,  break  open 
  =>  blow 
  =>  stave,  stave  in 
  =>  puncture 
  =>  burst,  bust 
  =>  shatter 
  =>  ladder,  run 
  =>  snap,  crack 
  =>  break  up  fragment,  fragmentize,  fragmentise 
  =>  atomize,  atomise 
  =>  grind,  mash,  crunch,  bray,  comminute 
  =>  pulp 
  =>  pestle 
  =>  mill 
  =>  pound 
  =>  sunder 
  =>  splinter,  sliver 
  =>  rag 
  =>  crumb 
  =>  brecciate 
  =>  crush 
  =>  bruise 
  =>  grate,  grind 
  =>  gnash 
  =>  chew,  masticate,  manducate,  jaw 
  =>  chomp,  champ 
  =>  champ 
  =>  mumble,  gum 
  =>  chaw 
  =>  crunch,  munch 
  =>  gnaw 
  =>  crush 
  Sense  9 
  separate,  divide 
  =>  partition,  subdivide,  zone 
  =>  screen  off  separate  off 
  =>  break 
  =>  shatter 
  =>  fracture 
  =>  break  in 
  =>  stave  in 
  =>  smash,  dash 
  =>  disperse,  dissipate,  dispel,  break  up  scatter 
  =>  disband 
  =>  rail,  rail  off 
  =>  detach 
  =>  shut  off  close  off 
  =>  curtain  off 
  Sense  10 
  separate,  part  split  up  split,  break,  break  up 
  =>  disunify,  break  apart 
  =>  disassociate,  dissociate,  divorce,  disunite,  disjoint 
  =>  break  with 
  =>  divorce,  split  up 
  =>  secede,  splinter,  break  away 
  =>  break,  break  away 
  Sense  11 
  separate,  part  split 
  =>  disperse,  dissipate,  scatter,  spread  out 
  =>  aerosolize 
  =>  break 
  =>  volley 
  =>  break  up 
  =>  disband,  dissolve 
  =>  diffract 
  Sense  12 
  discriminate,  separate,  single  out 
  =>  isolate,  insulate 
  =>  ghettoize,  ghettoise 
  =>  cloister 
  =>  seclude,  sequester,  sequestrate,  withdraw 
  =>  quarantine 
  =>  maroon 
  =>  segregate 
  =>  redline 
  =>  disadvantage,  disfavor,  disfavour 
  =>  handicap,  hinder,  hamper 
  =>  prejudice 
  Sense  13 
  branch,  ramify,  fork,  separate 
  =>  arborize,  arborise 
  =>  twig 
  =>  bifurcate 
  Entailment  of  verb  separate 
  2  of  13  senses  of  separate 
  Sense  3 
  distinguish,  separate,  differentiate,  secern,  secernate,  severalize,  tell  tell  apart 
  =>  compare 
  Sense  7 
  classify,  class,  sort,  assort,  sort  out  separate 
  =>  compare 
  Synonyms/Hypernyms  (Ordered  by  Frequency)  of  verb  separate 
  13  senses  of  separate 
  Sense  1 
  separate,  divide 
  Sense  2 
  separate,  disunite,  divide,  part 
  =>  move  displace 
  Sense  3 
  distinguish,  separate,  differentiate,  secern,  secernate,  severalize,  tell  tell  apart 
  =>  identify,  place 
  Sense  4 
  divide,  split,  split  up  separate,  dissever,  carve  up 
  =>  change  integrity 
  Sense  5 
  separate,  divide,  part 
  =>  change 
  Sense  6 
  =>  change  integrity 
  Sense  7 
  classify,  class,  sort,  assort,  sort  out  separate 
  =>  categorize 
  Sense  8 
  break,  separate,  split  up  fall  apart,  come  apart 
  =>  change  integrity 
  Sense  9 
  separate,  divide 
  Sense  10 
  separate,  part  split  up  split,  break,  break  up 
  Sense  11 
  separate,  part  split 
  =>  move 
  Sense  12 
  discriminate,  separate,  single  out 
  =>  distinguish,  separate,  differentiate,  secern,  secernate,  severalize,  tell  tell  apart 
  Sense  13 
  branch,  ramify,  fork,  separate 
  =>  diverge 
  Familiarity  of  verb  separate 
  separate  used  as  a  verb  is  familiar  (polysemy  count  =  13) 
  Synonyms  (Grouped  by  Similarity  of  Meaning)  of  verb  separate 
  Sense  1 
  separate,  divide 
  Sense  2 
  separate,  disunite,  divide,  part 
  =>  move  displace 
  Sense  3 
  distinguish,  separate,  differentiate,  secern,  secernate,  severalize,  tell  tell  apart 
  =>  identify,  place 
  Sense  4 
  divide,  split,  split  up  separate,  dissever,  carve  up 
  =>  change  integrity 
  Sense  5 
  separate,  divide,  part 
  =>  change 
  Sense  6 
  =>  change  integrity 
  Sense  7 
  classify,  class,  sort,  assort,  sort  out  separate 
  =>  categorize 
  Sense  8 
  break,  separate,  split  up  fall  apart,  come  apart 
  =>  change  integrity 
  Sense  9 
  separate,  divide 
  Sense  10 
  separate,  part  split  up  split,  break,  break  up 
  Sense  11 
  separate,  part  split 
  =>  move 
  Sense  12 
  discriminate,  separate,  single  out 
  =>  distinguish,  separate,  differentiate,  secern,  secernate,  severalize,  tell  tell  apart 
  Sense  13 
  branch,  ramify,  fork,  separate 
  =>  diverge 
  Grep  of  noun  separate 
  Overview  of  noun  separate 
  The  noun  separate  has  2  senses  (no  senses  from  tagged  texts) 
  1.  offprint,  reprint,  separate  --  (a  separately  printed  article  that  originally  appeared  in  a  larger  publication) 
  2.  separate  --  (a  garment  that  can  be  purchased  separately  and  worn  in  combinations  with  other  garments) 
  Overview  of  verb  separate 
  The  verb  separate  has  13  senses  (first  11  from  tagged  texts) 
  1.  (19)  separate,  divide  --  (act  as  a  barrier  between;  stand  between:  "The  mountain  range  divides  the  two  countries") 
  2.  (11)  separate,  disunite,  divide,  part  --  (force,  take  or  pull  apart;  "He  separated  the  fighting  children";  "Moses  parted  the  Red  Sea") 
  3.  (7)  distinguish,  separate,  differentiate,  secern,  secernate,  severalize,  tell  tell  apart  --  (mark  as  different;  "We  distinguish  several  kinds  of  maple") 
  4.  (6)  divide,  split,  split  up  separate,  dissever,  carve  up  --  (separate  into  parts  or  portions;  "divide  the  cake  into  three  equal  parts";  "The  British  carved  up  the  Ottoman  Empire  after  World  War  I") 
  5.  (3)  separate,  divide,  part  --  (come  apart;  "The  two  pieces  that  we  had  glued  separated") 
  6.  (3)  separate  --  (divide  into  components  or  constituents;  "Separate  the  wheat  from  the  chaff") 
  7.  (3)  classify,  class,  sort,  assort,  sort  out  separate  --  (arrange  or  order  by  classes  or  categories;  "How  would  you  classify  these  pottery  shards--are  they  prehistoric?") 
  8.  (3)  break,  separate,  split  up  fall  apart,  come  apart  --  (become  separated  into  pieces  or  fragments;  "The  figurine  broke";  "The  freshly  baked  loaf  fell  apart") 
  9.  (2)  separate,  divide  --  (make  a  division  or  separation) 
  10.  (1)  separate,  part  split  up  split,  break,  break  up  --  (discontinue  an  association  or  relation;  go  different  ways;  "The  business  partners  broke  over  a  tax  question";  "The  couple  separated  after  25  years  of  marriage";  "My  friend  and  I  split  up") 
  11.  (1)  separate,  part  split  --  (go  one's  own  away  move  apart;  "The  friends  separated  after  the  party") 
  12.  discriminate,  separate,  single  out  --  (treat  differently  on  the  basis  of  sex  or  race) 
  13.  branch,  ramify,  fork,  separate  --  (divide  into  two  or  more  branches;  "The  road  forks") 
  Overview  of  noun  separate 
  The  noun  separate  has  2  senses  (no  senses  from  tagged  texts) 
  1.  offprint,  reprint,  separate  --  (a  separately  printed  article  that  originally  appeared  in  a  larger  publication) 
  2.  separate  --  (a  garment  that  can  be  purchased  separately  and  worn  in  combinations  with  other  garments) 
  Overview  of  verb  separate 
  The  verb  separate  has  13  senses  (first  11  from  tagged  texts) 
  1.  (19)  separate,  divide  --  (act  as  a  barrier  between;  stand  between:  "The  mountain  range  divides  the  two  countries") 
  2.  (11)  separate,  disunite,  divide,  part  --  (force,  take  or  pull  apart;  "He  separated  the  fighting  children";  "Moses  parted  the  Red  Sea") 
  3.  (7)  distinguish,  separate,  differentiate,  secern,  secernate,  severalize,  tell  tell  apart  --  (mark  as  different;  "We  distinguish  several  kinds  of  maple") 
  4.  (6)  divide,  split,  split  up  separate,  dissever,  carve  up  --  (separate  into  parts  or  portions;  "divide  the  cake  into  three  equal  parts";  "The  British  carved  up  the  Ottoman  Empire  after  World  War  I") 
  5.  (3)  separate,  divide,  part  --  (come  apart;  "The  two  pieces  that  we  had  glued  separated") 
  6.  (3)  separate  --  (divide  into  components  or  constituents;  "Separate  the  wheat  from  the  chaff") 
  7.  (3)  classify,  class,  sort,  assort,  sort  out  separate  --  (arrange  or  order  by  classes  or  categories;  "How  would  you  classify  these  pottery  shards--are  they  prehistoric?") 
  8.  (3)  break,  separate,  split  up  fall  apart,  come  apart  --  (become  separated  into  pieces  or  fragments;  "The  figurine  broke";  "The  freshly  baked  loaf  fell  apart") 
  9.  (2)  separate,  divide  --  (make  a  division  or  separation) 
  10.  (1)  separate,  part  split  up  split,  break,  break  up  --  (discontinue  an  association  or  relation;  go  different  ways;  "The  business  partners  broke  over  a  tax  question";  "The  couple  separated  after  25  years  of  marriage";  "My  friend  and  I  split  up") 
  11.  (1)  separate,  part  split  --  (go  one's  own  away  move  apart;  "The  friends  separated  after  the  party") 
  12.  discriminate,  separate,  single  out  --  (treat  differently  on  the  basis  of  sex  or  race) 
  13.  branch,  ramify,  fork,  separate  --  (divide  into  two  or  more  branches;  "The  road  forks") 

separates definition