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Troponyms (hyponyms) of verb state 2 of 3 senses of state Sense 1 state, say tell => present, lay out => misstate => answer, reply, respond => preface, premise, introduce => announce, declare => articulate, enunciate, vocalize, vocalise => get out => declare => declare => note, observe, mention, remark => add append, supply => explain => give Sense 3 express, state => vote => vote Troponyms (hyponyms) of verb state 2 of 3 senses of state Sense 1 state, say tell => present, lay out => argue, reason => re-argue => expostulate => defend, support, fend for => apologize, apologise, excuse, justify, rationalize, rationalise => color, colour, gloss => plead => extenuate, palliate, mitigate => stand up stick up => uphold => argue, indicate => misstate => answer, reply, respond => counter => field => sass => retort, come back repay, return, riposte, rejoin => bridle => preface, premise, introduce => preamble => prologize => announce, declare => promulgate => nolle prosequi nolle pros, nol. pros. => articulate, enunciate, vocalize, vocalise => get out => declare => condemn => boo, hiss => explode => consecrate, bless, hallow, sanctify => reconsecrate => account, answer for => propose, suggest, advise => recommend, urge, advocate => advance, throw out => proposition => feed back => submit, state, put forward => move make a motion => promise, assure => pledge, plight => vow => betroth, engage, affiance, plight => profess => swear => guarantee, vouch => bail => stipulate => secure => certify => covenant => commune, communicate => communicate => swear off => contract, undertake => sign => undersign => ink => autograph, inscribe => initial => countersign => execute => endorse => cosign, co-sign => visa => stipulate, qualify, condition, specify => provide => rent, lease => rent, hire, charter, lease => covenant => confirm => bar mitzvah => bat mitzvah => undertake, guarantee => underwrite, subvent => promise => vouchsafe => acknowledge, receipt => take the Fifth take the Fifth Amendment => sentence, condemn, doom => foredoom => court-martial => proclaim, exclaim, promulgate => trumpet => clarion => affirm, assert, avow, aver, swan, swear => hold => claim, take => attest => declare => plead => profess => protest => assure, tell => swear, depose, depone => testify, attest, take the stand bear witness => vouch => decree => ordain => predestine => will => destine, fate, doom, designate => ordain, enact => reenact => legislate, pass => opine, speak up animadvert, sound off => editorialize => count out => declare => note, observe, mention, remark => comment, notice, remark, point out => criticize, criticise, pick apart => reprimand, censure, criminate => animadvert => savage => admonish, reprove => rebuke, rag, trounce, reproof, lecture, reprimand, jaw, dress down scold, chide, berate, bawl out remonstrate, chew out chew up have words lambaste, lambast => chastise, castigate, objurgate, chasten, correct => flame => tell off brush down => reprehend => deplore => execrate, anathemize, anathematize => belabor, belabour => come down => denounce => fulminate, rail => condemn, decry, objurgate, excoriate => blame, find fault, pick => disparage, belittle, pick at => pan, tear apart, trash => discredit, disgrace => deprecate, depreciate => deflate, puncture => minimize, belittle, denigrate, derogate => talk down => nitpick => attack, round, assail, lash out snipe, assault => abuse, clapperclaw, blackguard, shout => slang => vilify, revile, vituperate, rail => curse => claw => rip => whang => barrage => blister, whip => rubbish => wisecrack => kibitz, kibbitz => add append, supply => slip in stick in sneak in insert => spatchcock => toss in => explain => give => quote => underquote => cast Sense 3 express, state => vote => vote => vote Entailment of verb state Synonyms/Hypernyms (Ordered by Frequency) of verb state 3 senses of state Sense 1 state, say tell => express, utter, give tongue to Sense 2 submit, state, put forward => propose, suggest, advise Sense 3 express, state => denote, refer Familiarity of verb state state used as a verb is uncommon (polysemy count = 3) Synonyms (Grouped by Similarity of Meaning) of verb state Sense 1 state, say tell => express, utter, give tongue to -------------- Sense 2 submit, state, put forward => propose, suggest, advise -------------- Sense 3 express, state => denote, refer -------------- Overview of verb state The verb state has 3 senses (first 3 from tagged texts) 1. (75) state, say tell -- (express an idea, etc in words "He said that he wanted to marry her"; "tell me what is bothering you"; "state your opinion") 2. (16) submit, state, put forward -- (put before "I submit to you that the accused is guilty") 3. (4) express, state -- (indicate through a symbol, formula, etc.; "Can you express this distance in kilometers?") Grep of adj stating devastating Overview of verb state The verb state has 3 senses (first 3 from tagged texts) 1. (75) state, say tell -- (express an idea, etc in words "He said that he wanted to marry her"; "tell me what is bothering you"; "state your opinion") 2. (16) submit, state, put forward -- (put before "I submit to you that the accused is guilty") 3. (4) express, state -- (indicate through a symbol, formula, etc.; "Can you express this distance in kilometers?")
stating definition