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stimulates stimulates definition


  Troponyms  (hyponyms)  of  verb  stimulate 
  6  of  7  senses  of  stimulate 
  Sense  1 
  stimulate,  excite 
  =>  quicken,  invigorate 
  Sense  2 
  induce,  stimulate,  cause  have  get  make 
  =>  decide 
  =>  persuade 
  =>  bring 
  =>  encourage 
  =>  let 
  =>  lead 
  =>  prompt,  inspire,  instigate 
  =>  compel,  oblige,  obligate 
  Sense  3 
  stimulate,  shake,  shake  up  excite,  stir 
  =>  fuel 
  =>  arouse,  sex,  excite,  turn  on  wind  up 
  =>  frighten,  fright,  scare,  affright 
  =>  thrill,  tickle 
  =>  tempt,  invite 
  =>  elate,  lift  up  uplift,  pick  up  intoxicate 
  =>  inspire,  animate,  invigorate,  enliven,  exalt 
  =>  titillate 
  Sense  4 
  stimulate,  arouse,  brace,  energize,  energise,  perk  up 
  =>  cathect 
  =>  animate,  recreate,  reanimate,  revive,  quicken,  vivify,  revivify 
  =>  enliven,  animate 
  =>  invigorate,  reinvigorate 
  =>  enliven,  liven,  liven  up  invigorate,  animate 
  Sense  6 
  stimulate,  excite,  stir 
  =>  masturbate,  wank,  fuck  off  she-bop,  jack  off  jerk  off 
  =>  work 
  =>  fellate,  blow,  go  down  on 
  =>  thrill 
  =>  whet,  quicken 
  =>  disgust,  revolt,  repel 
  Sense  7 
  provoke,  stimulate 
  =>  entice,  lure,  tempt 
  =>  jog 
  =>  incite,  instigate,  set  off  stir  up 
  =>  agitate,  foment,  stir  up 
  Troponyms  (hyponyms)  of  verb  stimulate 
  6  of  7  senses  of  stimulate 
  Sense  1 
  stimulate,  excite 
  =>  quicken,  invigorate 
  Sense  2 
  induce,  stimulate,  cause  have  get  make 
  =>  decide 
  =>  persuade 
  =>  bring  round,  bring  around 
  =>  badger 
  =>  sell 
  =>  chat  up 
  =>  talk  into 
  =>  rope  in 
  =>  wheedle,  cajole,  palaver,  blarney,  coax,  sweet-talk,  inveigle 
  =>  soft-soap 
  =>  browbeat,  bully,  swagger 
  =>  convert,  win  over  convince 
  =>  proselytize 
  =>  disarm 
  =>  brainwash 
  =>  charm,  influence,  tempt 
  =>  magnetize,  mesmerize,  mesmerise,  bewitch,  spellbind 
  =>  prevail 
  =>  drag 
  =>  tempt 
  =>  seduce,  score,  make 
  =>  bring 
  =>  encourage 
  =>  let 
  =>  lead 
  =>  give 
  =>  prompt,  inspire,  instigate 
  =>  compel,  oblige,  obligate 
  =>  force,  thrust 
  =>  stick,  sting 
  =>  walk 
  =>  parade,  exhibit,  march 
  =>  march 
  =>  coerce,  hale,  pressure,  force 
  =>  turn  up  the  heat,  turn  up  the  pressure 
  =>  drive 
  =>  bludgeon 
  =>  steamroller,  steamroll 
  =>  squeeze  for 
  =>  dragoon,  railroad 
  =>  terrorize,  terrorise 
  =>  bring  oneself 
  =>  clamor 
  =>  condemn 
  =>  shame 
  =>  enforce,  implement,  apply 
  =>  clamp  down  get  tough 
  =>  run 
  =>  execute 
  =>  give 
  Sense  3 
  stimulate,  shake,  shake  up  excite,  stir 
  =>  fuel 
  =>  arouse,  sex,  excite,  turn  on  wind  up 
  =>  tempt 
  =>  frighten,  fright,  scare,  affright 
  =>  bluff 
  =>  awe 
  =>  overawe,  cow 
  =>  buffalo 
  =>  terrify,  terrorize,  terrorise 
  =>  panic 
  =>  intimidate 
  =>  hold  over 
  =>  strong-arm,  bully,  browbeat,  bullyrag,  ballyrag,  boss  around  hector,  push  around 
  =>  tyrannize,  domineer 
  =>  horrify 
  =>  shock 
  =>  dismay,  alarm,  appal,  appall,  horrify 
  =>  spook 
  =>  thrill,  tickle 
  =>  tempt,  invite 
  =>  elate,  lift  up  uplift,  pick  up  intoxicate 
  =>  puff 
  =>  exhilarate,  thrill,  exalt 
  =>  inspire,  animate,  invigorate,  enliven,  exalt 
  =>  encourage 
  =>  cheer,  inspire,  urge,  barrack,  urge  on  exhort,  pep  up 
  =>  cheerlead 
  =>  foster,  nurture 
  =>  patronize,  patronise,  patronage,  support,  keep  going 
  =>  serve,  serve  well 
  =>  hollo 
  =>  cheer,  hearten,  recreate,  embolden 
  =>  take  heart,  buck  up 
  =>  draw  out 
  =>  bring  out 
  =>  spur,  goad 
  =>  titillate 
  Sense  4 
  stimulate,  arouse,  brace,  energize,  energise,  perk  up 
  =>  cathect 
  =>  animate,  recreate,  reanimate,  revive,  quicken,  vivify,  revivify 
  =>  enliven,  animate 
  =>  invigorate,  reinvigorate 
  =>  enliven,  liven,  liven  up  invigorate,  animate 
  =>  jazz  up  juice  up  pep  up  ginger  up 
  =>  spirit,  spirit  up  inspirit 
  Sense  6 
  stimulate,  excite,  stir 
  =>  masturbate,  wank,  fuck  off  she-bop,  jack  off  jerk  off 
  =>  scarf 
  =>  work 
  =>  fellate,  blow,  go  down  on 
  =>  thrill 
  =>  whet,  quicken 
  =>  disgust,  revolt,  repel 
  =>  sicken,  nauseate,  turn  one's  stomach 
  Sense  7 
  provoke,  stimulate 
  =>  entice,  lure,  tempt 
  =>  seduce 
  =>  call 
  =>  stool 
  =>  lead  on 
  =>  tweedle 
  =>  decoy 
  =>  bait 
  =>  jog 
  =>  incite,  instigate,  set  off  stir  up 
  =>  raise 
  =>  agitate,  foment,  stir  up 
  =>  rumpus 
  Entailment  of  verb  stimulate 
  Synonyms/Hypernyms  (Ordered  by  Frequency)  of  verb  stimulate 
  7  senses  of  stimulate 
  Sense  1 
  stimulate,  excite 
  Sense  2 
  induce,  stimulate,  cause  have  get  make 
  Sense  3 
  stimulate,  shake,  shake  up  excite,  stir 
  =>  arouse,  elicit,  enkindle,  kindle,  evoke,  fire,  raise,  provoke 
  Sense  4 
  stimulate,  arouse,  brace,  energize,  energise,  perk  up 
  =>  affect 
  Sense  5 
  induce,  stimulate,  rush,  hasten 
  =>  effect,  effectuate,  bring  about  set  up 
  Sense  6 
  stimulate,  excite,  stir 
  =>  sensitize,  sensitise 
  Sense  7 
  provoke,  stimulate 
  =>  challenge 
  Familiarity  of  verb  stimulate 
  stimulate  used  as  a  verb  is  common  (polysemy  count  =  7) 
  Synonyms  (Grouped  by  Similarity  of  Meaning)  of  verb  stimulate 
  Sense  1 
  stimulate,  excite 
  Sense  2 
  induce,  stimulate,  cause  have  get  make 
  Sense  3 
  stimulate,  shake,  shake  up  excite,  stir 
  =>  arouse,  elicit,  enkindle,  kindle,  evoke,  fire,  raise,  provoke 
  Sense  4 
  stimulate,  arouse,  brace,  energize,  energise,  perk  up 
  =>  affect 
  Sense  5 
  induce,  stimulate,  rush,  hasten 
  =>  effect,  effectuate,  bring  about  set  up 
  Sense  6 
  stimulate,  excite,  stir 
  =>  sensitize,  sensitise 
  Sense  7 
  provoke,  stimulate 
  =>  challenge 
  Overview  of  verb  stimulate 
  The  verb  stimulate  has  7  senses  (first  6  from  tagged  texts) 
  1.  (6)  stimulate,  excite  --  (act  as  a  stimulant;  "The  book  stimulated  her  imagination") 
  2.  (5)  induce,  stimulate,  cause  have  get  make  --  (cause  to  do  cause  to  act  in  a  specified  manner:  "The  ads  induced  me  to  buy  a  VCR";  "My  children  finally  got  me  to  buy  a  computer";  "My  wife  made  me  buy  a  new  sofa") 
  3.  (3)  stimulate,  shake,  shake  up  excite,  stir  --  (stir  the  feelings  or  emotions  of  "These  stories  shook  the  community") 
  4.  (3)  stimulate,  arouse,  brace,  energize,  energise,  perk  up  --  (cause  to  be  alert  and  energetic;  "Coffee  and  tea  stimulate  me") 
  5.  (2)  induce,  stimulate,  rush,  hasten  --  (of  bodily  processes  such  as  fever,  illness,  etc.) 
  6.  (1)  stimulate,  excite,  stir  --  (stir  feelings  in  "stimulate  my  appetite";  "excite  the  audience") 
  7.  provoke,  stimulate  --  (provide  the  needed  stimulus  for) 
  Overview  of  verb  stimulate 
  The  verb  stimulate  has  7  senses  (first  6  from  tagged  texts) 
  1.  (6)  stimulate,  excite  --  (act  as  a  stimulant;  "The  book  stimulated  her  imagination") 
  2.  (5)  induce,  stimulate,  cause  have  get  make  --  (cause  to  do  cause  to  act  in  a  specified  manner:  "The  ads  induced  me  to  buy  a  VCR";  "My  children  finally  got  me  to  buy  a  computer";  "My  wife  made  me  buy  a  new  sofa") 
  3.  (3)  stimulate,  shake,  shake  up  excite,  stir  --  (stir  the  feelings  or  emotions  of  "These  stories  shook  the  community") 
  4.  (3)  stimulate,  arouse,  brace,  energize,  energise,  perk  up  --  (cause  to  be  alert  and  energetic;  "Coffee  and  tea  stimulate  me") 
  5.  (2)  induce,  stimulate,  rush,  hasten  --  (of  bodily  processes  such  as  fever,  illness,  etc.) 
  6.  (1)  stimulate,  excite,  stir  --  (stir  feelings  in  "stimulate  my  appetite";  "excite  the  audience") 
  7.  provoke,  stimulate  --  (provide  the  needed  stimulus  for) 

stimulates definition