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sulfurous sulfurous definition


  Overview  of  adj  sulfurous 
  The  adj  sulfurous  has  2  senses  (no  senses  from  tagged  texts) 
  1.  acerb,  acerbic,  acid,  acrid,  bitter,  blistering,  caustic,  sulfurous,  sulphurous,  venomous,  virulent,  vitriolic  --  (harsh  or  corrosive  in  tone;  "an  acerbic  tone  piercing  otherwise  flowery  prose";  "a  barrage  of  acid  comments";  "her  acrid  remarks  make  her  many  enemies";  "bitter  words";  "blistering  criticism";  "caustic  jokes  about  political  assassination,  talk-show  hosts  and  medical  ethics";  "a  sulfurous  denunciation") 
  2.  sultry,  stifling,  sulfurous,  sulphurous  --  (characterized  by  oppressive  heat  and  humidity;  "the  summer  was  sultry  and  oppressive";  "the  stifling  atmosphere";  "the  sulfurous  atmosphere  preceding  a  thunderstorm") 
  Antonyms  of  adj  sulfurous 
  2  senses  of  sulfurous 
  Sense  1 
  acerb,  acerbic,  acid,  acrid,  bitter,  blistering,  caustic,  sulfurous,  sulphurous,  venomous,  virulent,  vitriolic 
  INDIRECT  (VIA  unpleasant)  ->  pleasant 
  Sense  2 
  sultry,  stifling,  sulfurous,  sulphurous 
  INDIRECT  (VIA  hot)  ->  cold 
  Similarity  of  adj  sulfurous 
  2  senses  of  sulfurous 
  Sense  1 
  acerb,  acerbic,  acid,  acrid,  bitter,  blistering,  caustic,  sulfurous,  sulphurous,  venomous,  virulent,  vitriolic 
  =>  unpleasant  (vs.  pleasant) 
  Sense  2 
  sultry,  stifling,  sulfurous,  sulphurous 
  =>  hot  (vs.  cold) 
  Attributes  of  adj  sulfurous 
  Familiarity  of  adj  sulfurous 
  sulfurous  used  as  an  adjective  is  rare  (polysemy  count  =  2) 
  Grep  of  adj  sulfurous 
  Overview  of  adj  sulfurous 
  The  adj  sulfurous  has  2  senses  (no  senses  from  tagged  texts) 
  1.  acerb,  acerbic,  acid,  acrid,  bitter,  blistering,  caustic,  sulfurous,  sulphurous,  venomous,  virulent,  vitriolic  --  (harsh  or  corrosive  in  tone;  "an  acerbic  tone  piercing  otherwise  flowery  prose";  "a  barrage  of  acid  comments";  "her  acrid  remarks  make  her  many  enemies";  "bitter  words";  "blistering  criticism";  "caustic  jokes  about  political  assassination,  talk-show  hosts  and  medical  ethics";  "a  sulfurous  denunciation") 
  2.  sultry,  stifling,  sulfurous,  sulphurous  --  (characterized  by  oppressive  heat  and  humidity;  "the  summer  was  sultry  and  oppressive";  "the  stifling  atmosphere";  "the  sulfurous  atmosphere  preceding  a  thunderstorm") 

sulfurous definition