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  2  definitions  found 
  From  Webster's  Revised  Unabridged  Dictionary  (1913)  [web1913]: 
  Salep  \Sal"ep\  (s[a^]l"[e^]p),  n.  [Ar.  sahleb,  perhaps  a 
  corruption  of  an  Arabic  word  for  fox,  one  Ar  name  of  the 
  orchis  signifying  literally,  fox's  testicles:  cf  F.  salep.] 
  [Written  also  {saleb},  {salop},  and  {saloop}.] 
  The  dried  tubers  of  various  species  of  {Orchis},  and 
  {Eulophia}.  It  is  used  to  make  a  nutritious  beverage  by 
  treating  the  powdered  preparation  with  hot  water.  --U.  S. 
  From  Webster's  Revised  Unabridged  Dictionary  (1913)  [web1913]: 
  Saloop  \Sa*loop"\  (s[.a]*l[=oo]p"),  n. 
  An  aromatic  drink  prepared  from  sassafras  bark  and  other 
  ingredients,  at  one  time  much  used  in  London.  --J.  Smith 
  (Dict.  Econ.  Plants). 
  {Saloop  bush}  (Bot.),  an  Australian  shrub  ({Rhagodia 
  hastata})  of  the  Goosefoot  family,  used  for  fodder.