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  1  definition  found 
  From  The  Free  On-line  Dictionary  of  Computing  (13  Mar  01)  [foldoc]: 
  Steve  Koren/Korn  shell.  A  {Unix}  {ksh}-like  {shell}  which 
  runs  under  {AmigaDos}  by  Steve  Koren 
  .  SKsh  provides  a  {Unix}-like 
  environment  but  supports  many  {AmigaDos}  features  such  as 
  {resident  command}s  and  {ARexx}.  Scripts  can  be  written  to 
  run  under  either  {ksh}  or  SKsh  and  many  of  the  useful  {Unix} 
  commands  such  as  {xargs},  {grep}  and  {find}  are  provided. 
  Current  version:  2.1. 